~Chapter Eighteen~

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*Phil's P.o.V*

I know that lying to Dan was a bad idea, but I just couldn't tell him I just didn't want him to feel like there's something wrong with him. 

When we woke up the next day Dan was suddenly really cuddly and wouldn't let me go when I had to leave for work. 

"Daddy please don't leave." Dan whimpered into my neck and I looked down at him and cuddled him closer, smiling a little. 

"I'm sorry Baby, I've got to. But I'll be home soon, okay?" Dan shakes his head quicker, wiping at his eyes as the tears continue to fall. But he eventually lets me go, looking up at me with a pout. "I love you Baby boy." I whisper and kisses the top of his head. 

*Dan's P.o.V* 

When Daddy left I went back over to the couch and cuddled into the couch, looking down at my phone as I see the all too familiar face of my best friend. 

"Louise Pentland, Famous Youtuber dies in tragic car accident." 

The tears fall from my face faster than before. I read somewhere on twitter last night that she had died but didn't believe it until her husband had tweeted it out. I cant believe shes gone.. I'm the worst friend.. I haven't talked to her in ages and it hurts so bad. I cry a little more, wiping my eyes as they still fall. 

What if something happens to Phil too?! What if he gets killed in a car accident or gets really sick. I need him to be home and safe with me, but he's already left and he wont answer his phone while hes driving, so I decide to text him instead. 

Dan  to Daddy 

DH: Daddy text me when you get to work. I need to know you're okay :c 

I know waiting for him to text back straight away is crazy, but what if he's not okay? I look down at my phone and whimpers as the text from Louise's husband pops up again.

Why did this have to happen? 

I miss her so much.I continue crying as I hug one of the couch pillows close to me. Before I even realize it, I'm slowly falling asleep. 

'Blood still stains when the sheets are washed, Sex don't sle--' 

I shoot up, suddenly awake and answers my phone, knowing its Daddy.

"Hello?" I ask, worry lacing my voice. "Daddy?" 

"Dan whats wrong? You didn't reply to my texts, I was so worried about you." he says, releasing a worried breath. 

"I'm fine Daddy, are you ok?" I ask him and he sighs a little. 

"I'm fine now since I know you're okay. It's almost lunch time, I left you a sandwich on the bench. Eat it all up and then have a nap, okay?" I bite my lip a little. 

"I was sleepin' when you called Daddy." I tell him and Daddy chuckles a little. 

"Alright, you don't need a nap then. Do you want to draw Daddy a pretty picture for when I get home?" he asks and I nod a little, then remembers he cant see me. 


"Bye Peanut, I love you." he tells me and I smile a little more. 

"Love you too Daddy, bye." and then he hangs up. 

At least I know he loves me.

A/N: yay for longer-ish update :D

Daddys Little Boy (boyxboy) (UNFINISHED AND PROBABLY NEVER WILL BE FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now