~Chapter Fourteen~

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*Dan's P.o.V* 

Daddy still hasn't come gotten me, it's been about a week. Troye and Tyler keep saying that he'll come get me soon but I'm forcing them into driving me home so I can go get some of my stuff and stay with a friend.. 

He hasn't even called me.. He must have found someone better, someone cuter, and someone not so clingy.. I hate being alone and even though I've been with Troye and Tyler for the last week, I've never felt more excluded from the world. I don't want to be here anymore, at Tyler and Troyes, or even in this world. I guess I'm just not good enough for anyone.. 

I finish packing up my suit case and walks to the front door. Troye and Tyler only agreed to this because I haven't been in little mode for about 3 days, not in front of them anyways. When I'm upset I refuse to show my emotions to people. So I've just been this emotionless blob. Tyler rubs my back a little and walks out to his car, opening the passenger door and helping me in. He shuts my door and walks around to the drivers side and starts driving me home. 

Sometime along the way I slowly fall asleep. 

~They get back to Dan's house (half hour later)~

"Dan, wake up." I whine a little and looks up at Tyler and sighs before getting out of his car. I grab my suitcase and looks at him. 

"Thanks for driving me home.." I say and he smiles a little sadly. 

"You're welcome. Text me or Troye, or anybody and we'll come get you straight away if you need anything okay?" I nod and shuts the door. "Bye Danny!" 

"Bye.." I walk inside and starts walking upstairs and unlocks the front door. I throw my stuff onto the ground and walks into our bedroom, laying on the bed and grabbing Phils pillow, hugging it close to my chest. "Hey hates me.." I whisper to myself and suddenly bursts into tears. "Daddy hates me!" I scream into the pillow and continues crying loudly, hugging the pillow closer and wiping at my eyes. "I should just leave, leave and never come back.." I whimper and closes my eyes, sleep quickly taking over. 

~Next Day~

I'm still sleeping until about 2 in the afternoon, when the bedroom door slides open. I crack an eye open to see Daddy looking at me sadly. I close my eye again, pretending to still be asleep. He starts cleaning up his things, putting things where they go. When hes done he crawls over to me on the bed and hugs my waist. 

"Wake up Baby Boy." I crawl out of his grasp and looks at him with teary eyes. "Hey, Hey. Don't be sad. Come give me a cuddle, yeah?" I shake my head and turns so my backs to him. 

"You don't love me anymore Daddy, do you?" I'm guessing he has a surprised look on his face because he doesn't answer. 

"Of course I love you Baby." I shake my head. 

"You said you'd be gone for 3 days.. You were gone for a week.." I whisper and looks down at my hands. "What did I do wrong?" 

"Nothing, Baby, nothing!" I shake my head and starts crying into my hands. I feel the bed shift as Daddy crawls over to me and wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me tightly. "I promise you did nothing wrong, I was just away longer than I thought I would be.." 

"Why?! Why were you away?! They made me take the pills, but they didn't say what they were for! They would always try to get me into little space but it just wouldn't work! I've never felt so alone in my whole life, Daddy! Never! I hurt so bad.. I just want to know what I did to make you stay away.." I cry and shout, kicking my legs a little. 

"Nothing, I was away at work because they needed me for longer ok? It doesn't mater, I'm here now. I'm not leaving you for that long again, I promise." I look at him. 

"Pinky promise?" he nods and we shake pinkys. I slowly cuddle into his chest again, closing my eyes. "Whats the pill for Daddy?" I ask and he sighs. 

"It doesn't matter Sweetie-Pie." I look up at him and whimpers a little. "I'm sorry Baby, it just doesn't matter ok." I nod slightly and looks down. 


A/N: HOW ARE MY LIL MUNCHKINS TODAY? I hope you're all feeling well ♥ You're all so amazing and I hope that this update was good, so dont forget to comment and vote, if you liked :3 

Bye Munchy-Kins ♥

Daddys Little Boy (boyxboy) (UNFINISHED AND PROBABLY NEVER WILL BE FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now