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I wander around the almost empty school halls.

I see empty faces and empty stares around me. 

Josh was supposed to play varsity football next year. Just one little incident changed so much. When he decided to talk on the phone while driving, his life was coming to an end. 

The worst part was, nobody can do anything. Josh is no longer alive, all we can do is grief and pray that his soul will be at peace.

That just sounds shit, doesn't it? I've always wondered to myself; is there really a God? 

Someone could've made God up because they wanted to believe that someone, someone without limits, created this world. Science explained why we humans exist in this universe  but that wasn't enough. They had to believe in a creator. And they named him God.

I'm sure everyone has stumbled upon this question, 'if God really does exist, why is their so much suffering, why does cancer exist, why is there evil in this world?'

Well, most people like me would just think that there is no God. 

I think about Ripley and how much pain she must be in right now. How much emotional pain she must be feeling. I don't look for her but her desk was empty.

  Everyone was given free time as i assumed was ordered by the principal, Ms.Kate. A student is dead and it probably wouldn't be wise for teachers to torture us with surprise tests.  

I don't feel saddened by Josh's passing. I know it's inhumane but I just didn't really know him to begin with. He was Ripley's boyfriend and he really loved her. You could tell he was in love by the way he looked at her. Other girls were faint stars; she was his sun. That was all i knew about him. All in all, he wasn't a bad guy, he didn't deserve to die like that. I wish i could've taken his place. Then he would still be alive. After all, nobody would miss me anyway.

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