Amnesia - a Jared Leto FanFiction

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It was a frozen November morning in the streets of Los Angeles. The sky was grey and the clouds looked similar, they both reflected the mood of the scenes below. Yet out of all this dark was a spark of light. A young man riding a bicycle rode round the corner, His hawk like hair rustled in the wind as he rode. He wore a leather jacket with a white triangle which had a horizontal line in the middle marked on the back, he also wore black skinny jeans and trainers with bright pink markings which stood out from the dull surroundings. His bright blue eyes were full of determination as he rode up a hill of tarmac and concrete, his joints moved swiftly as his white bike reflected through the icy puddles scattered over the road. His heavy breaths were visible in the open air as the wind picked up so he had to ride harder to keep up the pace. As he cleared the hill he sighed with relief, his knees wobbled a little. He relaxed as the bike drifted down hill, yet he was still wary as his hand hovered over the brakes. After moments of silence his voice was heard,

“We were the Kings and Queens of promise,..” he sung. He rode on; a smile appeared on his face,

“...We were the victims of ourselves,..” he continued, his voice grew louder as he gained confidence,

“...Maybe the children of a lesser God,..” his voice echoed through the deserted alleyways as he sat back on his seat taking his hands off the handle bars, he closed his eyes,

“...Between Heaven and Hell, Heaven an-”

A car smacked straight into his side

One moment he was riding, the next he was flying and then he made contact with the cold tarmac. His body ached as he laid flat on his stomach, he could not feel any broken bones yet he had a massive headache. He glanced up to see the car, its windscreen was smashed were his body had hit it. His bike was discarded a few metres away and it was surprisingly still in one piece. His head throbbed with pain; he raised a bruised arm and placed his hand onto the source of the pain.

He felt something warm and wet.

He drew his hand away slowly in front of him to find fresh blood dripping from the ends of his fingers. Suddenly there was movement, he glanced up again to see a young women get out of the car he collided with. She had a slim figure, straight blonde hair and hazel eyes, she also was dressed smartly. She showed an expression of pure shock,

“Oh my God! I’ve hit someone!...Oh my God! Are you okay!? Are you hurt!” she spoke quickly as she knelt next to him. He stared back at her blankly.

“Oh my God! Here, let me help you up...” she took hold of his shoulder delicately and rolled him onto his back, yet when she saw his forehead her facial expression changed from shock to fear,

“Oh my God...”

The women’s eyes grew large; she fumbled with her pocket as she pulled out her mobile and typed a short number with a shaky hand. Jared lay motionless on his back, his eyes wandered to the concrete where he was before.

A puddle of his blood covered the ground.

His eyes shot forwards with shock, a mental image of the puddle of blood stayed in his head as well as the non-stop thumping of pain. He closed his eyes hoping that it would go away yet it continued as the women finally spoke into the phone,

“Hello?...Yes, this is an emergency...I need an ambulance.”

Amnesia - a Jared Leto FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now