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"Can you hear me, Piper?" Ruby's voice buzzed through my earpiece. We had managed to buy some Bluetooth phone earpieces where we could all talk to each other during the mission with having to speak so loud. I also had my voodoo doll in my pocket for luck.

"Yes I can" I replied. "OK, all pieces checked so let's get going" I said. All of us were dressed in dark clothing so we could run around without being spotted. I had even asked Jane to help out since she was the smartest student with computers in our grade. She sat at her laptop in my room and checked for any alarms, triggers or guards that were out on the prowl.

Jessie, Reed and I walked along the hallways towards her office quickely as Ruby and Hunter were getting there another way, just in case we were caught. Both groups had a small bobby-pin to unlock the door and files on our phones that told us where the files would be.

"Watch out group Delta, there is a guard just about to pass your trail" Jane said through our ear pieces. We quickly hid behind the two sides of the archway and held our breath as a guard in a uniform passed us. I could feel the tension and nervousness of everyone but when the guard passed, we slipped through the archway and ran in the shadows like mice.

"Group Delta, the others just arrived at the door and got their way in and disarmed the alarms. We need two on watch and one to support" Jane ordered. She seemed so confident and strong when she helped us. It made me feel like she was really coming out of her shell for good.

"Ok, I'll go in to support because I know the files. Can you, Reed and Jessie, keep a look out and try and drive them away if they are about to come in?" I asked quietly.

They both nodded in return as we continued to make our way down the hallway. Once we dodged a few more guards, we came to the large wooden door that had a golden plate. I signalled to the others before we split. I slipped into the room to see Hunter and Ruby going through files aimlessly.

I began to search for the files. We went through file after file and had to pause so they could show me if it was the correct one. We searched through every single folder until a blue folder caught my eye on her desk. I quickely got it and opened it up, showing a pile of paper with profile pictures and information next to them. I looked through each page until I found the profile I wanted.

"I've got it" I said. The others all nodded their heads and I heard Reed and Jessie respond with a yes.

"Piper, just scan them to my computer and then get out. We've only got 5 minutes until the next guard checks" Jane ordered. I quickely located the printer and scanned it through to my email adress. I returned the paper to the folder and snuck out and met up with the others.

"I scanned the files and we need to run" I said. We all nodded our heads and started to run towards the escape door. We were meters away until we heard steps. I sensed everyone freeze and tense as well as me. I could see shadows coming near the corners and I began to worry. If we were caught, we would be in big, BIG trouble.

I felt a pull towards the walling, triggering a memory. I quickely slipped into the wall and watched everyone's shocked faces. I quickely motioned upwards to the beams on the roof. I saw Hunter and Ruby smile. The both began to climb up the bricks walls onto the beams like a koala on a tree. Reed and Jessie looked frazzled as the guards' shadows got closer and closer. I began to panic as I tried to think of ways to hide them. But there was no time to help. So I reached out and grabbed their hands. I pulled back and saw their beings melt into the wall and become shadows. I felt shocked that I could do that and I could tell they were as well.

Voodoo Child | #DESCENDANTS ✓Where stories live. Discover now