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Looking in the dirty mirror in my room, I stare into my eyes, thinking about the night before.

Did he really mean it? How could he love something so vile like me?

Hearing a loud bang, I spun around and quickly ran down the hall to the front door, seeing my father yelling out of the door.

"Come back you trouble makers! I'll curse you all! You're all damned!" he yelled.

"Dad! Who was it?" I asked, quickly moving to the door to see who he was 'cursing'.

"The bloody son of Cruella. That damned boy will be 12 feet underground if he does it again" dad growled. I was too shocked at what he said. Carlos at my door?

"Wait, why was he here?" I asked.

"He was looking for someone."

"Who, dad? Who?" I ushered. He kept on babbling about cursing those kids and making their life hell. Aren't ours bad enough? Giving up, I turned down the hall and slammed my door shut. The small voodoo dolls that sat on my shelf wobbled form the impact. Why do fathers have to be so.... Ugh?

I hauled my window up with a loud squeak and climbed out. Grabbing onto the edge of the roof, I pulled myself up and looked out across the island, trying to find the 'damned-by-my-father' boy – AKA carols.

"Looking for someone?" a voice said, making me jump. My ankle gave up and caused me to tumble down. I began to slide down the roof with a squeal. The edge was coming closer and closer and my heart got caught in my throat. There was no way to stop and no way to get help.

My body went over the edge as gravity tried to pull me down. Suddenly, I felt a large hand grab my hand and held onto me. I looked up to see Carlos, holding on to me, stopping me from falling.

He pulled me back up onto the roof without a groan. He must've been really strong. Once I was on two feet, his hand was still holding onto mine and his other hand was around my waist. Looking over the edge, get let out a small laugh.

"Glad I caught you" he said. "Otherwise you could possibly be soup."

"Well wouldn't that be a lovely sight" I said, looking over the edge. Falling down two stories would've done no good for me and Carlos. If my father found out that I fell, he would be blamed and possibly be trialed for murder on the Auradon main land.

Looking up into his face, I realized that he was close. I could almost count all the adorable freckles on his face. "I bet I would taste good" I said, giving a wink.

With a smile, he pulled me an inch closer, his lips drifted to my ear with his breath leaving a trail along my neck. "I bet you do."

My face turned red in an instance and my heart began to beating faster than the speed of light. I could even go into cardiac arrest!

Carlos pulled away with a smile of victory playing on his face. He walked over to the chimney and leaned up against it. "So who were you looking for?" he asked playfully.

My face turned redder and I stared down at my voodoo doll in my hands. "No one..."

"You sure about that? It seemed like you were looking for someone very intently."

"Wait, were you watching me?" I asked. It almost sounded like a screech but luckily I was too shocked.

With a sly smirk, Carlos said "maybe."

I let out a laugh and shook my head at him. "So is there anything else that I should be aware of?" I asked jokingly.

His eyes lit up at a thought and grabbed my hand. "Follow me." He pulled me along the roof and let go so he could jump off. I gasped and ran over to check to see if he was safe. Instead, he was standing on a lower roof.

With his hands up, he yelled at me. "Are you impressed?"

"I would be if I didn't have a heart attack!" I yelled back. We both began to laugh until a thought popped in my head. Was he trying to impress me?

Without thinking, I took a few steps back and starting sprinting to the edge of the roof. I jumped off and it felt like I was floating, not like when I was floating. I was suspended in midair with me arms out wide and the wind in my hair. I felt like a professional parkour.

Time felt slow. I grabbed my voodoo doll and suddenly motioned it upwards, giving me magic so I could land gracefully and safely. The roof came closer to my feet as I bent my knees more. My feet landed and bent my knees. There were no cracks, shatters, pain or falling over. Instead I bent low to the ground and rose up slowly.

I looked around and saw Carlos staring at me with awe in his eyes. Clearing my throat, he snapped out of it and turned bright red. He walked up to me, snatched my hand and looked at me with glowing eyes. "Let's go."

We ran together hand in hand, jumping over tables, stealing things from people and made mayhem around the markets. I normally wouldn't do it, but it gave me a thrill. I even managed to get some oblivious people to pay me for fake future readings. That was the best part.

After running around, Carlos led me to an empty warehouse on the outside of the island where no one went. It was big and empty. I was surprised that no one used it because the doors just needed a little oil and it would be big enough to house a couple of families.

He led me to a ladder that we climbed up. On top were a lot of hay stacks with beautiful fabric, blankets and even some pillows laid around in a circle. There were small candles that had melted wax in the holder and small matches next to them.

"This is where I come to hang" Carlos said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "If my mother is ordering me around to do things, I come here for the night."

"It would be amazing to stay here for the night" I whispered. The smell of the hay, wax and even Carlos lingered in my nose, seducing me to smell more. All of the colours drew me in to touch them and feel their delicate fabric. I've never felt this feeling with other fabrics, especially my golden edged one.

I took a step forwards and sat on the hay. I swiped my hands along the fabric and they felt clean and inviting. The hay underneath was comfy and the old, metal walls added a vintage look to it. I was surprised that he put so much effort into it.

He walked over and belly flopped into it. He let out the biggest sigh that I've ever heard, making me give out a laugh. I fell back with him and closed my eyes. It was so peaceful just laying here with my crush where no one can annoy me or order me around. I could still feel my voodoo doll in my vest pocket and more fabric and buttons that I took to make another voodoo doll.

The feeling reminded me of my mother and how we used to just lie on the roof and watch the stars.

"My mother used to lie with me on the roof at night" I blurted out. I don't know why I said it but I guess I just needed to tell someone.

"Yeah? I don't see her around that much" he said. My heart clenched and I began to feel my eyes sting with tears. But I brushed them away.

"She was taken away on my 7th birthday by the royal guards." Silence fell and I needed him to say something. But he didn't. "Someone reported that she went mad and started blowing things up – which wasn't true. So they... took her away and left me and my father here, thinking that it was for the best."

There was silence again that I couldn't stand. But Carlos could feel my agitation. "Who was she? Was she just another town folk like most of the partners of... villains?"

I thought for a moment of redirecting my answer but I couldn't. I needed to trust him and so there was no hiding.

"My mother wasn't a town folk. She was..." I couldn't say it. My mind swore to never say. But taking a breath, I pushed through.

"My mother is the Mad Hatter."

Voodoo Child | #DESCENDANTS ✓Where stories live. Discover now