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"Wow. You. Look. AMAZING!" Ruby squealed. She came back from seeing Hunter when I was almost done. It had taken me about 4 hours and now it was 10:30 at night.

I stood in front of the tall mirror and looked at my new outfit. I wore a loose, grey T-shirt and black leather jeans. A dark purple leather jacket warmed up my arms and my special silver skull necklace hung around my neck along with a red scarf that Ruby had given to me. She also gave me a pair of red Giuseppe Zanotti boots that she didn't wear anymore. And instead of having my hair up in a simple ponytail with a bow, I instead had it in a loose fishtail braid. I looked completely different - a good different, though.

"Thanks Ruby" I said. I still couldn't get my mind off how different I look. Normally what I wore on the island was considered 'high fashion' but now in this new outfit, I feel like this new look is high fashion.

Ruby jumped onto her folded-down bed and looked at me. "Piper, what is it like on the island?" she asked.

I looked at her through the mirror before turning back to my reflection. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh, I didn't mean to I just..." her face was worried and she looked at me with confusion and pity, again. Why did she keep doing that? I am a villain. We don't get pitied on, we pity on them because of how they think everything is perfect for them whilst we are the ones who know the real deal of life, preparing us for the worst.

"It's fine" I snapped. I grabbed my PJ's - a Red and black striped nighty - and headed to the door. "I'm going to the bathroom."

I closed the door and walked down the hall, towards the bathroom. Slipping through the door, the cold tiles hit my skin; filling me with instant relief. I loved the feeling of cold tiles. It always told me that I'm still alive and I can still feel things like my toes. You never know when you're going to need your toes.

I quickely slipped into a stall, got dressed and came out. After washing my hands, I looked at myself in the non-scratched mirror. I had bags under my eyes and my hair was still in the loose fishbraid. It was amazing on how much could change within a short amount of time and with a little bit of work. Everyone on the island would curse me and shame me for wanting to be differnet for a change. But being different meant that I could live to my own standards and no one elses. No need to have the urge to be evil 101% of the time or be the best daughter and sell scarves even though it's impossible. Instead, I could do what I want, be what I want and maybe even learn what I want such as real love, not just the fake love that is really sin and tragedy with a pink cloak over it. But now that I'm looking in the mirror, I realise how grateful I am to be here. At home, there would be kids that would be eating apples for breakfast, lunch and dinner whilst hear, I had a real meal for dinner - a perfect green salad and ravioli pasta. I ate so much, I thought that food would replace my brain.

I gave a smile in the mirror and walked out of the bathroom and back to my room. The lights were off and I saw a bump in Ruby's bed that blew up and down in a steady beat, signally that she was sound asleep.

I myself crawled in and snuggled into the fluffy and warm duvet and closed my eyes. Once again, the surroundings were quiet and calm. Images of my new room, the pile on food on my plate and my new outfit clouded my mind, along with images of Lunar following me around and whispering jokes, comments and things to say for her in my ear. I could live like this forever. But yet I still have a piece in my heart missing - a piece of Carlos.


The morning was unusual since it wasn't normally part of my routine at home.

had the first two sessions of textiles and history. But during history, I slammed my books on the table and called it discrimination to unfortunate people. That didn't end well with the teacher who thought that my family and all of the other villains deserved it because they 'brought it on themselves.' But luckily lunar made his book start flipping pages really quickly, resulting in him almost screaming with fear.

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