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The air turned cold and quiet- too quiet actually. I just laid there with small tears welling up behind my closed eyes. I didn't want to look up to see Carlos' reaction. It was seen as a crime for two villains to be together, let alone to have a kid and be in love. We tried to keep it hidden and by the looks of it, we managed to. But we knew that it wouldn't last long - only 7 or more years.

"That's cool" Carlos said. My heart stopped as I got up and looked at him.

"Pardon?"  I said. It wasn't the reaction I wanted but also a reaction that calmed my nerves.

"I hate having a town folk father. As soon as I was born, he left. It was just my mum and I. I was the new man of the house and had to have such a responsibility and my mum starting acting strange. I hated it."

Just listening to him made me feel like I could finally not only trust someone, but be honest and relate to them.

There was a loud bang on the door, making us both jump. Looking over at Carlos, his face drained of colour, sending my heart into a rampage. He immediately got up and started gathering all of the blankets and pillows and hiding them underneath all of the hay. There were heavy footsteps and gruff voices talking.

"Carlos, what's going on?" I whispered. He looked at me and shook his head.

"They can't find us. They're-"

"HEY! What are you kids doing here?!" there was a large man in a royal guard suit with a large sword in his belt. His whole face made me worry.

I went to grab my voodoo doll in my pocket but felt nothing. Looking around I saw it lying on top of the hay. Suddenly, my body buzzed. I felt my eyes glow brighter as I grabbed onto it. I turned to look at the guard to see him trying to say something, but nothing came out. A sly smile came on my face as I felt a feeling that I've rarely felt – wickedness. I could feel the magic radiating off my doll and into my palms. I held a pin above its heart and smiled at the guard.

"Run." Quicker than lightening, he slid down the ladder and ran out of the warehouse.

I heard Carlos laugh behind me and place a hand on my shoulder. "Nice. I see that you're getting it."

My body felt weak and my head feel dizzy.

"PIPER!" Carlos yelled. My body fell to the side and landed on the hay. My body felt numb but all I could feel was Carlos' hands on my cheeks, trying to keep me awake. I saw his face hover above mine but it was fuzzy.

"Take me... to... dad" I tried to speak. I heard mumbling but it was too late. I blacked out.


Muffled voices filled my ears and something thin but soft covered my body.  I stirred around, trying to feel what I was in... was I in my bed?

"Piper..." a voice said softly. My eyes tried to open, but everything was still frozen.

"Piper..." the voice said again. I tried to move but I couldn't my mind screamed get up! Get up! But it felt like I was paralysed.

"Piper." My body flung up and I breathed heavily. I coughed hard and my head pounded. What was wrong with me?  What happened? No matter how hard I tried to track through my memory, everything was gone.

Once I caught my breath, I looked around and saw that I was in my room with my father and Carlos standing next to me on my bed. There was worry in their eyes but their faces were still hard as stone.

"Are you alright?" Carlos asked, reaching for my hand but snapped away when my father growled at him.

I rubbed my temples and immediately directed my hand to my vest pocket to find that it was off. "Yeah I'm fine.... I guess? What happened?" I asked.

Voodoo Child | #DESCENDANTS ✓Where stories live. Discover now