Chapter 15 Favorite

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"Remember, the cooks sleep in rooms behind the kitchen so you have to be quiet. At the end of their hall is the door that leads outside. It's never locked." Bailey reminded Kali for the millionth time.

"Bailey, you've told me that about a billion times. Don't worry, sneaking out is my speciality." Kali assured her. Bailey just stared at her.

"Ok, it's usually my speciality," Kali mumbled.

"Just be back soon ok?" Bailey asked.

"Bailey, stop worring. She's going to see Blake, nothing is going to happen." Iggy said.

"What if this is a trap? What if Cece sent you that?" Bailey asked.

"Cece didn't send it Bailey. Will you just relax? I'm going now." Kali said. She opened the door and winced as it creaked. The hall outside was silent, the moon streaming through the windows was the only light. She silently made her way to the stairs.

Kali slipped off her shoes and crept down the marble stairs one at a time, watching for any movement. It wasn't until she was at the bottom that she realized she was supposed to be in the kitchen and not in the foyer.

"Stop thinking," She scolded herself. She turned to go back up to the dining room when a light under a door caught her eye. She walked carefully down the hall toward Blake's bedroom, wondering why the light would be on so late at night.

When she reached the door she pressed her ear to it. There was no noise so she opened the door quietly. Blake was seated at his desk reading the book assigned to them in English.

"What are you doing here?" Kali asked. Blake jumped and turned around.

"It's my room, what are you doing here?" Blake asked.

"I was going to meet you," Kali said.

"What are you talking about?" Blake asked.

"The note," Kali said, slowly.

"What note?" Blake questioned, getting aggravated.

"The note that you set outside my room," Kali said.

"I didn't set a note outside your room," Blake said.

"Cece," Kali growled. She turned around and shut the door. She marched toward the stairs, but not before grabbing two cans of paint from the art room.

"Kali, what are you doing?" Blake hissed, running up behind her.

"I'm going to get that selfish little bitch back," Kali snapped.

"You're on probation! This is parent's week! You can't do that!" Blake said, grabbing her arm.

"Watch me," She snapped. She climbed the stairs quickly, with Blake behind her. She stopped outside of Cece's room and carefully opened the cans of paint.

"How are you going to get in?" Blake whispered.

"Like this," Kali said. She knelt down and pulled a bobby pin from her hair. She carefully worked it in the lock until she heard a click. She twisted the knob and the door opened.

"You're to bad for your own good," Blake mumbled. Kali took the buckets inside.

"What now?" Blake asked, his eyes darting to the sleeping figures of Cece and Ginny.

"You take one, I take the other and then we run like mad," Kali said. Blake nodded.

"Ready?" He asked, holding his bucket toward Ginny.

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