Chapter 11. Black Out.

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Well here is chapter 11 :) I hope you enjoy! Please vote and comment! Song is Blackout by Breath Carolina :) It'll make sense later :)


"So what's bugging you?" Bailey asked. Kali looked up from her chicken homemade chicken noodle soup and sighed. The food was great here, but she didn't feel like eating.

"The grade thing?" Blake asked. He squeezed Kali's hand under the table.

"Yes," Kali mumbled.

"What grade thing?" Bailey asked.

"I guess I left my account up... Cece found it. She cancelled that paper Mrs. Franklin asked us to write. She deleted it and now I'm getting a zero." Kali muttered.

"That bitch!" Iggy screamed.

"Ignacia, I expect you to watch your language." Mrs. Dawson snapped. Blake's hand gripped Kali's harder.

"Kali, what's this I hear about you not turning in a paper?" Mrs. Dawson asked. "You know, not doing your assignments earns you a detention."

"Mrs. Dawson I swear to God I did that paper. I accidentally left my account open and someone cancelled it from sending and erased the whole thing. They even left a note on the paper." Kali explained in one breath of air.

"Either way I'm sorry, but we have strict rules about homework and you broke it. You'll serve detention tonight." Mrs. Dawson said.

"Mom that's not fair!" Blake shouted. The whole dining room fell quiet.

"Would you like to join her?" Mrs. Dawson asked.

"No, but it's not fair." Blake said.

"You two will be painting the gardeners tool shed tonight," She ordered. Kali hung her head and gritted her teeth. Blake sighed.

"Fine," he mumbled. Mrs. Dawson clicked away.

"Thanks," Kali whispered, squeezing his hand.


"Here are your brushes and paint. I expect it done my midnight," Mrs. Dawson said.

"Yes ma'am." Kali and Blake sighed in unison. Mrs. Dawson gave them a sad look and walked back toward the house.

"You do one side I'll do the other," Blake said.

"Sounds good to me," Kali agreed. She grabbed her bucket of paint and began painting one side of the shed.

"So, you never told me how you got here. You're not like a killer are you?" Blake asked.

"No I'm not," Kali laughed. "I drank, a lot, and hung out with the wrong kids. We would hang out at these train tracks and some times things got a little crazy. Joey used to throw beer bottles at the train. Twice he almost hit the conductor. We got in a lot of trouble then. My dad was, to forgiving I guess. He grounded me, but I just snuck out. Every time I was mad about something I would go and take it out on Joey," Kali muttered the last part.

"Why'd you two break up?" Blake asked.

"He cheated on me," Kali whispered.

"That's his mistake," Blake said. He came around the building and drew Kali to him, kissing her. Kali smiled against his lips and wiped her brush across his forehead. Blake released her and looked up to his forehead. Kali smirked. Blake took his brush and wiped it down Kali's cheek.

"Rude!" Kali shrieked. She dipped her brush inside the can and wiped a big long line down the front of Blake's shirt. Blake flicked his brush at Kali, speckling her with white paint. The war was on.

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