Chapter 7 Food Fight

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Chapter 7! Bet you can't guess what is going to happen in this chapter! Enjoy, vote, comment! Thank you very much!

“Kali,” Mrs. Martin shouted.

            Kali’s head shot up. “Yes?” Blake stared at her from his seat. He wished Mrs. Martin hadn’t interrupted the look she was giving him.

            “Since you feel you don’t have to pay attention how about you solve the bonus problem today.” Mrs. Martin snickered. Blake gave Kali a sad look. No one had ever been able to solve Mrs. Martin’s bonus problems.

            Kali looked at the intricate problem written on the board. A smug grin formed on her lips.

            “Now, I know you probably haven’t studied this—“

            “6.4453 or 6.4, whichever you prefer.” Kali said.

            “Excuse me?” Mrs. Martin asked. Blake hid a smile.

            “That’s the answer.” Kali said.

            Mrs. Martin looked from Kali to her book she checked the answer and gazed in awe. “Solve this one,” She ordered writing an even harder math problem on the board.

            The rest of the class was spent with Kali solving intricate math problems. Finally the bell rang and Kali hurried to History. She was aware of the fact that Blake had tried to get her attention after class, but she was playing hard to get.

            Like the previous day Mr. Andrews lectured the class for the entire seventy minutes. When the bell finally rang Kali jumped from her seat to flee the room. History always bored her. They never talked about anything interesting.

            “Ms. Shane, may I have a moment?” He called. Kali stopped and slowly turned around. Mr. Andrews waited patiently for the students to leave. Cece grinned at Kali as she passed.

            “Don’t look so scared,” He smiled. “I’m not going to yell at you.” Kali breathed a sigh of relief.

            “I just wanted to congratulate you,” He started. He took out a large packet of papers, the test everyone had taken yesterday.

            “You didn’t have to take this test, but you did, and you did better than my best students. You’ve got a gift, Kali. A gift of knowledge, I hope you use it wisely.” He finished showing Kali her grade. She had gotten 100%.

            “Thanks, but I know a lot of people who would say other wise.” Kali said and walked out of the room.

            The rest of the day was filled with Kali answering every question right and acing tests she wasn’t supposed to.

            “Hey genius,” Bailey said as Kali came through the door loaded down with homework.

            “I am not a genius,” Kali sighed. She lay down on her bed.

            “Ok, deny it.” Bailey teased. Then her face got serious, like she remembered something. “Blake came looking for you a few minutes ago,” She said.

            Kali took a drink from the water bottle she carried. “Oh?” she asked.

            “Yeah, he wanted to talk to you.” Bailey said.

            Kali sat up and abruptly spat her water all over Bailey. “He came to our room to talk to me?” She shouted.

            Bailey stared shocked at Kali as she wiped water from her face. “Girl he’s head off heels. He’s got it bad.” Bailey said.

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