Chapter 6 The Plan

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FINALLY that's Blake :)>>>>

            The next morning Kali climbed out of bed. She stretched and looked at the clock. It was seven thirty.

            “Bailey, wake up.” Kali said shaking her.

            Bailey turned over and glared at her.

            “What are you doing?” She asked annoyed.

            “You have to get up,” Kali answered.

            “It’s Friday stupid, classes doing start until noon on Fridays.” Bailey moaned rolling over.

            Kali sighed. “What am I supposed to do? I can’t go back to sleep now.” Kali asked.

            “I don’t know or care, Kali.” Bailey groaned.

            Kali rolled her eyes and quickly got dressed in her uniform and hurried downstairs to the dining room. A cereal bar had been wheeled into the middle of the room. She poured a bowl and sat down, alone.

            “Hey,” A voice called. Kali turned, spoon lingering by her lips, to see Blake. He sat down in front of her.

            “Hey,” She said putting the spoon down.

            “Bailey, didn’t tell you about the class schedule for Fridays did she?” He asked.

            “No, oh well I need to do some homework anyway.” Kali answered. She smiled at Blake and felt that twinge of guilt she felt last night after helping him with his math, but why should she? She hadn’t done anything but flirted. Joey had done so much worse. She remembered she was supposed to be playing hard to get.

            “So Mr. Dawson, did you need something?” Kali whispered letting her voice linger over each word.

            “Not really. Can’t I just come over to talk?” Blake laughed.

            Kali leaned back in pretend shock. “You want to talk to me?”

            “Yes, you’re a very interesting person,” He said.

            “Blake,” She started, saying his name like a child’s. “What would Cece think?”

            “Cece? Why would Cece care?” He asked.

            “I thought you two were an item,” Kali said, pretending once again to be shocked.

            “Me and Cece? Oh God no,” Blake laughed.

            “She didn’t seem to think so yesterday. She told me to stay away from you. She said all I wanted to do was make out with you,” Kali sighed.

            “She said that,” Blake whispered.

            “Actually she said snog, but I told her the truth.” Kali said.

            “And what’s the truth?” Blake asked.

            “The truth is that I have no interest in you,” Kali shrugged. She bit back the smile that tugged at her lips.

            “Oh, I mean of course. Yeah. Well I have to go,” Blake said.

            “Me too, I have homework to do,” Kali smiled. She stood up and walked out of the dining hall feeling Blake’s eyes burning into her back.

            Kali made her way back to her room. “Kali,” Mrs. Dawson called. Kali stopped and turned to the bottom of the stairs. Mrs. Dawson stood staring up at her. She had a very angry look on her face.

            “Yes ma’am?” She called.

            “I need to talk to you, in my office, now.” Mrs. Dawson said. Kali sighed and jogged down the steps. She followed Mrs. Dawson into the room and sat down in the leather seat.

            “Yes?” She asked. Mrs. Dawson sat and held the bridge of her nose.

            “I don’t want you causing trouble,” She said.

            “Me? Cause trouble? Mrs. Dawson I believe you have the wrong girl,” Kali said.

            “Enough,” Mrs. Dawson snapped. “Cecelia told me that you were talking to Blake.”

            “Yes, he sat with us at dinner.” Kali said, slowly.

            “Why?” She asked.

            “There’s this girl, my roommate, maybe you’ve heard of her, Bailey. Well her brother turns out to be Blake. That’s why he was at our table.” Kali smirked.

            Mrs. Dawson’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t know what game you and Bailey are planning, but I want it to stop now. I don’t want you two torturing Cecelia or dragging my son into a delinquent prank. Do we understand each other Ms. Shane?”

            “Yes, Mrs. Dawson,” Kali smiled. She stood up and left the office without being excused. She went into her room and sat on her bed working on her homework she’d ignored last night.

            Bailey sat up groggily, stretching. “Where were you?” She asked.

            “Well first I was in the dining hall snogging your brother then I went and egged Cece’s room.” Kali said, chewing on her pencil.

            “And you didn’t wake me up?” Bailey complained.

            “I ate breakfast with Blake while I told him how uninterested in him I was. Then your mother told me, I mean us, to stop whatever game we were playing,” Kali explained.

            “You know what that means don’t you?” Bailey asked, grinning.

            “I have a feeling you’re about to tell me,” Kali laughed.

            “Our goal for the year is going to get Blake away from Cece.” Bailey smiled, deviously.

            A feverous knock on the door snapped them out of their devious dreams.

            “Cheeky bastard?” Bailey shouted.

            “Cocky whore!” Iggy shouted back.

            “Let her in,” Bailey said, acting as if their exchange was normal. Kali climbed up and opened the door. Iggy stepped inside and collapsed onto Kali’s bed.

            “So what are we planning for Cece today?” She asked.

            “Well Kali, all you have to do is sit by him in any class, keeping pretending you’re not interested. It will drive Cece nuts.” Bailey shrieked.

            “And why will it drive Cece nuts to see me not be interested in Blake?” Kali asked.

            “Because, idiot, Blake obviously is interested in you! When you play hard to get it makes him even more interested.” Bailey said.

            “I like how you don’t care we’re using your brother to piss off Cece,” Kali said.

            “Yeah well, you’re going to end up making out with Blake so it’ll be all good. He won’t even care,” Bailey said.

            “I get to make out with him? This plan just keeps getting better and better!” Kali cheered.  

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