Chapter 12 Probation

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Kali opened her eyes and immediately shut them again. The light streaming in from the window burned her eyes and irritated her headache.

"Sorry," A voice whispered. The room darkened and Kali opened her eyes again. She knew this room. This was Blake's room.

"What am I doing here?" Kali asked, sitting up. She immediately laid back down when she almost threw up.

"Stay still," Blake ordered. He sounded really pissed off. Kali groaned and held her head.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You were being an idiot," Blake snapped.

"Oh," Kali whispered. She'd never gotten that one before. She threw the sheets from her body and realized she was in Blake's shirt.

"Did we have sex?" She asked, forcing herself into a sitting position.

"No, now lay down." Blake ordered.

"We didn't?" Kali asked confused. Whenever she got drunk Joey always took advantage of that. Kali realized how messed up that sounded.

"What happened?" Kali asked.

"First I'm taking you up to your room in case my mom comes looking for you. Then I'll tell you." Blake said. Kali nodded and attempted to sit up.

"I can't," She whimpered. Blake sighed and slipped his arms under Kali's legs and back. He lifted her up. Kali groaned and buried her head in his shoulder. Blake opened the door and carried Kali into the hall.

"Oh shit," he muttered. Kali looked up and saw Cece, glaring at them from a few feet away, standing beside her was Mrs. Dawson. The nurse's office door flew open and a stout little lady came rushing out.

"Oh good ye got her a shirt thank ye Blake," She sang in an Irish accent. Mrs. Dawson raised an eyebrow.

"Oh Mrs. Dawson whatca be doin out here in the hall?" She asked, pretending to notice Mrs. Dawson.

"I went to check on Ms. Shane and she wasn't there," Mrs. Dawson said. Cece grinned beside her. Kali wondered how she ended up in all this.

"I heard her throwing up in the room and wanted Mrs. Dawson to make sure she was alright," Cece said.

"She's fine ma'am, just came down complaining o' stomach pain and got sick on herself, poor lass. I had Blake here give er one o his shirts and take her on up to bed." The nurse said.

"Oh, alright, maybe you should stay with her Blake, make sure she's ok," Mrs. Dawson offered. Cece's mouth popped open.

"Alright," Blake said. He moved past Cece and Mrs. Dawson. Kali buried her head in his shoulder again and groaned as he started up the stairs. When they came to Kali's room Blake opened the door and gently set Kali on her bed. She groaned again and shielded her eyes from the light. Blake closed the curtain and sat on the bed beside her.

"So tell me what happened," Kali whispered.

"You were pissed at your step mom," Blake started. "Bailey said you came running  into the room and got dressed then ran back out. I saw you running toward the gate so I followed you, but you wouldn't stop when I called you. You climbed over the fence and I followed you into town. I lost you though and it took me all night to find you in this scuzzy bar. You were so drunk you couldn't even stand. When I walked in this big guy was holding you and telling everyone how much fun he was going to have tonight." Blake paused and gritted his teeth.

"I punched him and he dropped you and you collapsed. I tried to talk to you but you wouldn't answer, then you blacked out. I carried you back and had Bailey open the gate for me. We took you to the nurse and she said you had to sleep it off. We brought you into my room and know the rest," He finished.

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