Chapter 10 Zero

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** Hey :) Sorry I haven't been uploading! Thanks for the support! Please comment and vote! I'm sorry if this seems like a whirlwind romance, but hey that's what happens at boarding school! :)

Kali was starting to worry about herself. She'd never felt this way about a guy, ever. She leaned back against the shower wall and listened to the steady beat of the water against her skin. It'd been a week since she'd 'kissed' Blake. A week since Cece's hair was 'accidentally' turned pink. A week since Bailey and Iggy sat her down.

"Now Kali, we feel like it's time we have 'the talk' with you," Bailey said, sitting on her bed. Kali's eyes bugged.

"it's kind of late for that talk guys," she said.

"No it's a different talk. When I told you my mom had a strict policy on Blake I meant it. If she sees you two kissing or doing anything that would suggest a relationship, she'll ship you home." Bailey said.

"She'll send me home?" Kali gasped.

"Quicker than you can say 'But Mrs. Dawson!'" Iggy said.

"So we're going to have to be extra sneaky," Bailey said.

"Ok," Kali agreed.

Kali shut off the water and climbed out, hitching a towel under her arms. The hallway was silent as the girl's sat in their rooms doing their Monday studying. Kali smiled at the thought of the 'studying' she was doing with Blake. Then she frowned. Blake was repaying her for playing hard to get. He hadn't kissed her since last Monday. Hell he hadn't done anything since then.

Kali quickly flipped her head over and blow dried her hair. She hurried into the room. Bailey was muttering to herself about much she hated homework and the world. Kali quickly changed and grabbed her school bag. She slid out into the hall and jobbed down the stairs, waving at Albert, before she turned the corner into Blake's room.

"Hey," she said, smiling.

"Hey," he answered, without looking up from his math book. His eyebrows wrinkled together in an adorable way.

"Don't concentrate so hard," Kali said, sitting beside him. She smoothed his eyebrows apart.

"I can't do it," he huffed, throwing the book aside.

"You give up far to easily," Kali laughed. Blake looked up at her with his eyes, those amazing eyes. Kali's breath caught in her throat. All she wanted at that moment was for him to kiss her.

"You want me to kiss you don't you?" Blake laughed. Kali nodded and licked her lips. Blake leaned forward and brushed his thumb across her cheek.

"I want to," Blake whispered.

"Then do it," Kali begged. She shocked herself that she'd just begged someone to kiss her.

"Nah," Blake said. Kali frowned and stood up, slamming her fists onto her hips.

"What's your problem? Why won't you kiss me?" she shrieked.

"Are you using me to piss off Cece," Blake questioned. Kali stared at him, shocked. Blake stood up and backed her into a corner. He placed a hand beside her head.

"Are you?" he asked.

"No," Kali said. She wasn't lying. If he had asked her two weeks ago, the answer would have been yes, but not now.

Blake smiled and crushed his body against hers. His lips found hers and a moan escaped Kali's lips. Her hands slid up his back. Her fingers curled in his hair as his lips trailed down her neck. Kali looped her fingers through his belt loops and pulled his body closer to hers. This time Blake moaned. Kali jumped, wrapping her legs around his waist. Blake pushed his hands under her shirt as he carried her to his bed. They didn't miss a beat as they collapsed onto the bed.

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