Chapter 2 - Pain and Some Answers

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Chapter 2 – Pain and Some Answers

Lorraine's POV

I stared at my best friend as if she had grown a second head.

I love reading about super naturals and all and so does she, even though she’s more of a romance reader than I am – I don't believe in all that love shit and I never did boyfriends and never will - were both like bookworms but with a slight genre taste difference but I think that she's gone a little nuts right now. But surprisingly my mouth seemed to have a mind of its own and asked the last thing that you'd expect.

“How come I don't remember I saved her life? Why is there a gap in our memories, because she said that she told you, so does that mean you don't remember either?”

Since when did my head grow clever brain cells?

Savannah looked at me in a strange way. I'm guessing that she also, wasn't expecting me to ask that, or she didn't know the answer that clever question.

“Errrr……Errrrrmmmm…..?” She looked at the man, with a confused expression.

So if the twins are princesses, I'm guessing that this man and woman are there parents so does that make them … the vampire king and queen?


Yeah I'm in way over my head.

“You’re the king of vampires? And that’s your queen?” I asked turning my head to face him in a more comfortable position just as soon as he opened his mouth.

The queen and king, I'm guessing I also have to call them that, looked at each other, then at me and Savannah again.

“Yes we are and-" The so called King began before I cut him off.

"Sorry to interrupt you your Highness (!) but this is some extreme bullshit your trying to sell here and Savannah are you insane!? This is complete insanity." I tried shouting but it came out as a whisper and i had to swallow to try and ease the pain from having to say all that.

"If You don't mind Robert." Savannah said to Robert who I assume is the man but I just looked at her like she had just suggested we commit suicide for the fun of it.

Robert took a step closer to the bed and i swear to god if I wasn't so beaten up right now i would have kneed him in the balls by now.

I looked at Roberts face to see his eyes were red, not like Damons in the vampire diaries where they have the red veins going down the face and inside the eyes, but like the eyes were completely red with no other colour and his fangs were about the length and size of my thumb and they were red. Which I swear is definitely not normal compared to every book and movie I have ever watched on vampires and I've seen twilight too.

Now I'm starting to believe that all this crap may not be bullshit after all.

"Fucking Cheese Balls, What the Hell!!?" I actually managed to say that normally instead of whispering like a gorilla.

Robert; or shall I say 'King Robert of the Vampires' actually no thats way to long just stick to Robert, opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off, again.

"How come were both not dead lying on the floor drained of our blood? or have you been turned!? OhMyGod savannah are you a vampire!?" I exclaimed trying to shout but not able too.

"Calm down Lorraine, I'm not a vampire and they're not going to kill us" Savannah said looking at me like I was the idiotic one instead of her.

"Now to finally answer your first question on why you don't remember anything. I need you tell me a date of the last day you remember because our calenders are the same, only we have them slightly different according to the Red Moon for us vampires. However I can still tell you how long it has been from the last day you remember in...England was it?" Robert said and we both nodded.

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