Wincin: Trouble

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"Winter!" Jacin looked at himself, his body coated in flour.

"Why did you do that?!"

Winter had on a innocent smile on her face. "You scared me."

"I didn't mean to!" He brushed flour off his arm. "I am going to change now." He sighed.

"ATTACK!" Cinder ran in, pink frosting covered her hands. She wiped both her pink frosting-covered hands on Jacin's flour filled arms, and then high fived Winter.


He marched out of the room and into the hallway, ignoring the looks and laughs from the guards and servants.

He heard someone following him but didn't look back to see who it was. He went to his room and shut the door firmly. Flour was getting on the carpet. His arms itched from the frosting. He was not in a good mood now. He glared at the door.

He heard a soft knock.

He cracked open the door to see a sorry Winter and a silver tray.

"I'm sorry Jacin. Selene is sorry too."

"It's okay Princess."

"I brought you cookies."

"What kind?"

"Chocolate!" She handed him the tray. "I'll leave you to shower now." She began to march away. He stopped her by grabbing her wrist. "Wait." She stopped to look at him. "Yes?"

"You really are trouble, trouble." Then he kissed her. It was like the kiss when Levana told Jacin to kill Winter, except more loving and slow, like savoring chocolate, and not gobbling it up.

And also, Jacin was covered in white dust and recently dried pink sugarness.

Against her lips he said, "I love you."

He could have sworn he heard her say the same thing back.

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