Chapter 9

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(A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE OR CHRISTMAS OR WHATEVER IT IS TODAY FOR YOU, I wanted to update the fanfic today as a present for you guys so I hope you enjoy this and happy holidays!!!)

It was the night before going on court, which meant it could be my last night on prison. My last night with Gerard.

"Gerard, I don't wanna leave you" I whispered with tears in my eyes. I couldn't imagine my life out of prison. Alone. Because he was everything I had, he was the only person I had, the only one who's really loved me.

"Frankie..." He came to my bed and sat next to me, caressing my face. "We don't know what will happen tomorrow yet, so let's not think about it, okay? Anyways, you can come to see me anytime you want, you know."

"I'll come to see you everyday. And I'll be looking forward the day you get out and we can re-start our lives together." I sobbed.

"I can't wait for that but please, don't cry, okay? This could be our last night together in prison, we should enjoy it so, no more sadness." He dried my tears and I tried to calm down. "Let's have some fun!"

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. I bet he was up to no good.

"Hmm... Well... Remember when I saved your ass from some bullies?" I nodded. "Remember I told you you'd return the favor?" I could see him smiling in the dark.

"Gerard, what are you gonna do...?" I asked scared.

"Don't worry, honey, I told you it wouldn't be anything bad." He giggled.

"You're-" but before I could finish the sentence, I felt his lips pressed against mine. I kissed him back, still not sure what his plans were. But his kisses felt different. They weren't soft as usual, but passionate and strong.

Then he started to make his way down my neck, and that's when I realized.

"Gerard!" I tried to stop him, avoiding moaning.

"Aren't you enjoying it?" He whispered. Well, despite the fact that there were a lot of people near us that could hear us, I shouldn't complain. Who knows when will I get another chance like this?


"Good..." He said, grabbing my butt and rubbing his crotch against mine while he kept kissing my neck. "Now take off your clothes." He whispered before pulling away and starting getting naked.

I stared at my cellmate breathless as he took off his prison suit on the dark. There wasn't much light but it was enough to see his perfect body.

"Come on, Frank!" I had completely forgot to take off my clothes. I did so, nervously, while Gerard looked at me. When I was completely naked, I noticed he had a boner. "Suck it." He demanded.

I got down on my knees and he grabbed my head by the hair while I sucked his dick. Gerard was trying really hard not to scream but he couldn't avoid letting out a small orgasm when he cummed. I then stopped and we stayed still, afraid that someone might have heard us. But everything was silent.

"So, now..." He whispered. "Do you wanna stop? Because we don't have any lubricant or condom here so I don't wanna force you to do anything you don't want to..."

"Let's do this." I grinned.

(A/N: I'm sorry it took me so long and I can't write smut I'm so sorry I could only write that blowjob and it was hard (pun intended lol) so hmm I'll leave the smut for your imagination because I can't write that oops hope you liked it anyway ^-^)

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