(Edited) 1. Just a rat in a cage

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I entered the cell shaking, filled with fear. It was dark, but I could sense the eyes of numerous criminals on me. Just the thought of it sent me shivers down my spine. It was cold as well. Not the kind of coldness you feel when you walk outside in winter, but the one you feel when you're left defendless and alone. All I could think about was how I wish I could be home in bed, under my blankets, safe. But it won't take long, no, I told myself. They will soon realize their mistake and then I'll snuggle in my bed.
I sat next to the fences, staring at the floor, wondering how the good of Frank Iero had ended up in such place. What was I going to do there? How was I going to survive?
"Why you here?" A voice surprised me and I almost jumped. I looked at my right to find a figure coming out of the darkness. I wasn't sure I wanted to see what kind of guy I would have to share this cell with.
"I'm innocent." I replied, avoiding looking at him and avoiding more questions. I would rather not know the crimimal standing next to me.
"Come on, I'm not a fucking officer, you can trust me." He insisted. Of course I would trust a possible murderer better than a police officer. "I'm Gerard, by the way. Nice to meet you." He sat in front of me and I could finally see his dirty face. He held out his arm.
"I'm telling you the truth. They made a mistake, I didn't do anything. I'm going to court again next week and I'm sure I will get out of here." I hesitated for a second, but I finally decided to shake his hand. After all, I would have to live with this guy for now, and it would be better to start on a good foot. "I'm Frank."
"Hi, Frank and yeah, don't worry, I'll get out of here soon as well." He laughed. Whether he was actually leaving soon or he was planning on escaping, I didn't know but I just hoped I didn't have to take place on his crazy plans.
"What did you do to get here?" As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I would regret asking it.
"I killed a man." He smiled, like it was nothing, like he was proud of it. I really hoped he was just kidding.
"You did what?!" I almost screamed.
"Well, this is a prison, you should've guessed I wasn't exactly a good boy." He grinned.
"This is Hell..." I mumbled.
"Well, to be honest, I don't think you get food and a bed for free in hell. This is just like home." He spoke like he was really glad to be in that terrible place. Maybe he had been here for a really long time. Maybe he didn't even know what home was supposed to mean.
"I don't know about you but there aren't a lot of dangerous people in my house." I complained.
"You'll get used to this."
"I hope to leave before I can get used to this." I sighed and got up. "Which one is your bed?"
I said good night to Gerard, climbed to my bed and closed my eyes wishing this all had just been a nightmare.

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