Chapter 8

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"Are you fuckin kidding me?!" I yelled looking at my sister. "It was you who answered Ishmael's phone?"

"Ishmael... Really? How do you know my fiance Paris?" Maya asked with her nostrils flaring.

I couldn't believe this bullshit! Here I was being the ultimate fool "riding" for this man, and he had been playing me the entire time. Not only has he been playing me, but with my own damn sister!

"Maya, where is Ishmael?" I asked calmly. I wasn't leaving until I got an explanation from him.

"BOSS is not here! But you can believe we're going to go to him so he can explain this bullshit!" Maya yelled, walking off towards what I'm guessing was the kitchen.

I looked around the house and became green with envy. Here he was living lavish but all I got was a couple of hours in a hotel room. How could I have been so stupid? It all makes sense now. The hotels weren't to protect my marriage at all. Ishmael was covering his own ass. Selfish son of a bitch!

"Ummm since you welcomed yourself inside... Explain to me how you met my fiance!" Maya yelled.

I rolled my eyes. This bitch never skipped an opportunity to one up me. It was taking everything in me not to slap the word fiancé down her damn throat.

"Can you stop saying that shit please?!" I asked, matching her attitude.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?! Excuse me miss perfect but you brought your prissy ass to MY doorstep, questioning me about MY fiancé! So, what you won't do is tell me what I can and cannot say. Sister or not, I will lay your ass out where you stand. Pregnant and all. So again, how do you know Boss?" Maya asked rolling her neck with every word.

"I don't know Boss, I know Ishmael Bowman. In fact, I've been fucking Ishmael Bowman for almost a year now." I stated matter of factly.


I didn't even see it coming but Maya slapped me so hard I was seeing stars. It wasn't until I tasted the salty taste of blood that I raised my hand to strike her back.

"I wish you would!" Maya said, pulling a baby 380 from her waistline. "You have some nerve bringing your uppity ass in here saying some shit like that to me! If it wasn't for mom and dad, I would put a bullet right between your fucking eyes! Now get the fuck out of my house before I change my mind."

I looked into my sister's eyes, and I saw nothing but hate there. I never understood why she never loved me, or why we couldn't have a normal sisterly bond. I guess some shit just wasn't meant to be. I swallowed the tears that threatened to fall, as well as my pride, and walked out the front door. My flesh and blood had just threatened my life over a man. Maya and I had some issues, but I never thought it would come to this. I heard the door to the house slam just as I made it to my car. I wasted no time getting away from that house. One thing was for certain, both Ishmael and Maya had landed on my shit list!

"You good bruh?" Will asked for the millionth time.

It's been a week since my shipment went missing and after dropping bodies left and right, I still had no leads. I was dreading having to call my connect and let him know that I lost over a million dollars' worth of product, but that's what it was going to come to. On top of that, I haven't been home or spoken to Maya since that shit happened. She understood how this shit went though. I shot her a message to let her know I would be holding court in the streets, so don't expect me home until I'm done, and she was good with that. Paris was another story. Luckily, I only had my business phone, and she didn't have that number. I'm sure she's been blowing my personal line up daily. Pussy was the last thing on my mind at this point.

"Man, that depends on what you call good. I might as well walk around with a dead man walking sign on, because that's exactly what I'm going to be when Hector finds out about this shit." I said shaking my head.

Them Colombian cats played no games. Either you had their product, or their money. And right now, I didn't have either.

"I mean you think it'll come to that? Why can't you just use some cash you already have to pay him, and he'll never know about the shipment." Will suggested.

"That sounds good my nigga, but I definitely don't have that kind of money laying around. I put half of my life savings up for that shipment, and I was fronted the other half." I spat irritated. I was counting on this shit to work out, but that was my fault for counting my chickens before they hatched.

"Wheeeewww shit!" Will whistled.

"Exactly man! I'm fucked."

"Well, I got about a quarter mil put up. I can slide that to you, and we can try and make something shake from that." Will shrugged.

"My nigga! That's love fam. Now we just got to find somebody to cop some heavy weight from." I spoke.

"I know just the person. I met this cat a while back and he was talking about how he moves them by the boat load. I can set something up if you want." Will added.

"You think this dude legit?" I asked.

"Shit I can smell a nigga with money and I'm telling you, dude on. But if it'll make you feel better, I'll deal with him directly, so you won't have to."

"Fine by me. Just be careful with that shit Bruh. You know how I feel about new people."

"It's all good Boss, I'm gon do my homework first. Trust me, I'm no fool."

"Well, it's settled then. Let me get up out of here and take my ass home. I know Maya pissed right now." I chuckled.

"Shit I'm tired too! Tell sis I said what's up. And I'll call you once I get that thing all set up." Will said dapping me up before we went our separate ways.


"I'm telling you; I got the meeting set up next week. He sent his best friend as a front man, but I convinced him to bring Bowman along." I said through the phone to the mayor.

I finally got my chance at revenge on Ishmael. Since all his dope magically disappeared, he had no choice but to come to me for more. Of course, he had no idea it was me he was dealing with, but I knew he wasn't going to inform the Colombians about his million-dollar mishap. He was set to pick up his shipment next week and I was more than ready.

"How do you even know if he'll show up Henderson? I'm telling you now, if you blow this for me, you're going to have a lot more to worry about than Bowman fucking your wife!" Mayor Young yelled.

"I can assure you that he'll show! You have a good day sir; I know you're a busy man." I said before hanging up.

This muthafucka thought he was going to make Governor, but he was going to die right next to Ishmael. Disrespect was not tolerated, and he used every opportunity to disrespect me about that bullshit between Ishmael and Paris.


I jumped at the sound of Paris's voice. Her sneaky ass probably heard my entire conversation.

"Yeah Paris?" I asked rubbing my neck. Mayor Young pissed me off and I was more than ready to end his life.

"I uh... I have something I need to discuss with you." Paris stammered.

"What's up love?" I asked curious.

"Don't be upset, but I haven't been completely honest with you. In fact, I've been downright disrespectful. We'll get to all that later. But I know a way we can take Ishmael Bowman down." Paris said.

That threw me all the way left, my curiosity wouldn't let me turn her down. Spinning around to fully face Paris, I pulled her down in my lap.

"I'm listening."

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