Chapter 7

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Walking into the warehouse my eyes bulged out the sockets as I looked at 100 barrels of pure Colombian cocaine. Looking over at my accomplice I nodded my head signaling a job well done. I'm gonna hit Ishmael Bowman where it hurts before I have the pleasure of watching his soul leave his body.

"You sure you weren't followed, right?" I asked my little brother Robert, who was my accomplice in operation take Ishmael down.

"Man, I'm positive! How many times we going to have this conversation. He thinks the FEDS got the drop on the shipment and he's going ape shit! Speaking of, I need to get out of here and get to this little crew meeting." Rob stated, shooting me a knowing glance.

"Aite. Aye, good looking out bruh! I owe you big time for this one." I said dapping my little brother up.

"Family First, you know I want this nigga's head as bad as you. I'll holla at you when I'm done with this shit though."

"Ok, be safe man."

"You too!"

With that my little brother was out the door. Like I said before this thing was much bigger than Paris. I owed Ishmael personally. My brother and I grew up in the system because of that heartless fuck, and I was going to make sure he paid. I had my brother work his way to the top command in Ishmael's little army. Although he had to do some despicable things, it'll all be worth it in the end. One thing for certain, I was definitely going to make his ass suffer before death. Starting with his pockets.

Rob had been a key part of Ishmael's organization for years now. That muthafucka was so cocky he had no idea he was in the presence of his enemies. As much as I wanted to keep my little brother safe and his hands clean, it was his decision to get close to Ishmael and infiltrate his camp. In due time all will be revealed. For now, I'm gonna shake Ishmael's world up a little.

"SO NONE OF YOU MUHFUCKAS CAN TELL ME WHAT WENT WRONG?! HUH?" Ishmael yelled pacing in the warehouse his camp held their meetings.

Puffing from his neatly rolled blunt to calm his nerves, Ishmael inhaled and held the smoke in for a while before exhaling in the face of Jay. Jay was in charge of the shipment today and it wasn't sitting right with Ishmael that on the day Jay took over shit went left.

"I guess nobody knows nothing. Tell me Jay... How can you let 1.5 million in product just disappear? Cause the shits blowing my mind." Ishmael said mugging Jay.

Sweat formed on Jay's brow. He had been begging his cousin Boss to give him more responsibilities and the moment he does, this shit happens. It's bad enough what his dad Ivan did to Ishmael's life, and now he was looking like an even bigger snake. Fumbling with his hands out of pure nerves Jay tried to plead his case.

"Boss, I swear man, I followed protocol down to the T! The only way those muhfuckas could've been there waiting for me is if somebody told them to." Jay said looking in Ishmael's eyes.

Pulling his glock 40 from his waist, Ishmael cocked one in the chamber.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU TRYING TO SAY JAY?! YOU SAYING I SET YOU UP? THAT'S MY MONEY YOU DUMB FUCK!" Ishmael yelled with spit flying from his mouth and the gun trained on Jay.

"W-whooaa cuz, c'mon man! What the fuck?!" Jay yelled, his hands up in surrender.

"Damn Jay! I was rooting for you man. I had faith that you wouldn't turn out like your bitch ass father.... Oh well."


"I'll make sure you go away in style man. Kiss my mama for me." Ishmael said before pulling the trigger.


He sent one slug crashing through Jay's heart killing him instantly. Everyone else was stunned to silence. This muthafucka had just killed his own flesh and blood. Kneeling down, Ishmael said a silent prayer over Jay before turning to the rest of the crew.

"You muhfuckas better find me my shit! If not it's plenty more bullets where that one came from." Ishmael said before walking off. "Will, lemme holla at you bruh."

Will followed behind Ishmael shaking his head. It was just like him to act irrational and do some crazy shit like that. He felt bad for Jay because he really was a good kid and he idolized Boss. That's how this game went sometimes though. The money was above everything, sometimes even family. Will could understand Ishmael's dilemma because if he had no shipment, he had no money to pay his Colombian connect. And those were problems neither of them wanted.


"Ugggghhhhh!" I screamed as I unsuccessfully tried reaching Ishmael again.

For the past 3 hours I had searched high and low looking for his ass. I went by every spot I could think of before coming back home. Now I know why the bastard always insisted that we meet up at the hotel! Stupid me, here I am pissing on my marriage and this stupid asshole has a whole woman he's living with. Telling me to leave my husband... He loves me... I got to ride for him. Bullshit on top of bullshit! And here I was foolish enough to believe his lies. I dialed Ishmael's number again and instantly got his voicemail, which means I had been blocked. I almost threw my phone until an idea hit me like a ton of bricks. I ran into Michael's home office and shuffled through his desk drawer for the key to his file cabinet.

"Bingo!" I yelled once I found it. I took the key and unlocked the drawer housing Ishmael's file. Once I found it I grabbed a sticky note and scribbled what I assumed was his address down.

Placing the file back in it's rightful place I locked the drawer and replaced the key. I was on a mission and if his ass didn't wanna answer the phone, I was gonna come to him. Grabbing my .22 Michael made me carry for protection, I made sure it was loaded and made my way to my car. I don't know what Ishmael thought but if I couldn't have him, no other woman would either.

Typing the address into my GPS I sped out of my driveway and prayed to the lord that I didn't have to kill anybody. I wanted answers and I was getting them today! I got to Ishmael's house in no time. It was a nice little mini mansion, a huge step up from the hotel suites he always dragged me to. The thought alone added fuel to my fire as I threw my car in park and stepped out to knock on the door. There weren't any cars in the driveway but I'm sure a couple were in the four car garage. If not I would sit on the porch until the happy couple made it home. Balling up my fist I banged on the door like the police. I was just about to give up until the door flew open.

"Paris.... What the hell are you doing here beating my door down like that?!"


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