Chapter 7: Uncontrollable

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Everything with David is just going perfect. I can't see anything better than being with him. I love everything about him. The way he talks, breathes, looks at me, I even like the way he sleeps. Speaking of which, tonight he's going to be staying at my house. I've been frantically cleaning my room for the past two hours trying to make everything perfect. My dad is going to be at work. That's mainly the only reason he's staying here this time. Weird thing is after we got together, no one has heard anything from Ralph. Of course on facebook David and I changed our relationship status to 'In a relationship' and tagged eachother but nothing. David even has Ralph as a friend and he hasn't said anything.

Speaking of facebook. I'm as equally addicted to facebook as David.

"Going to stay the night at the boyfriends :) DON'T Text me ;) baha jk. - David"

Maybe I should update my facebook status like that too. "Like".

Its almost time and I'm still alittle paranoid. I know David wouldn't care how it looked at all but I wanted to everything to be perfect. Sue me for wanting to be a good boyfriend. I had everything planned out. A nice dinner, maybe a movie or two that will probably end with a makeout session, then whatever he wanted to do. I was worried about his part. No parents, just me and him. I've been itching to do things that are no no's. And I know if we both got the chance, we would. Just have to be prepared! I went into my room and grabbed the box of condoms out of the drawer. Eh, we won't need them but if he wants to be safe then their there.

I layed down for a few minutes but hey facebook is addicting. Got to go check mine.

1 New Notification. This is why I continuously check my facebook, even though its not needed.

Ralph Delgato "Liked" David's Status.

Why would he like his status? Why is he even looking at David's stuff. Yeah, he posted it but stay out of my life and now that David is a part of it like he's always been this also means stay away from him. That pisses me off. So much. I sware if he does anything to ruin this he will pay. There really is no way for him to ruin it anyway I guess. I told David everything and there's nothing else Ralph could possibly do or say to make this fall apart.

-I'm here :) David<3

My heart starting beating fast, racing and I found it hard to breathe. He was finally going to see my house, my life, where I stay on my down time. It was exciting but at the same time horrifying. I honestly don't know why. I logged off facebook and went to open the door. David was standing there looking down with his hands behind his back.

"What?" I looked at his with a smile.

"I...I sort of got you something." He was nervous I could tell. Even though we've wanted this and we were going to be together for a long time I knew that he was still getting used to the idea of being with me.

"What is it?" He held out his hand and it was his iPod. Did he get me his iPod?

"Open up the playlist 'My Thoughts'. This is where I save the songs I write and compose."

David had an extreme talent. He could sing, and when I said sing, I meant he could be a freaking star if he wanted to be. He did this as a hobbie though. It brought him joy to express his feelings out through music.

"I've wrote songs before and I've composed but when it came to you I couldn't write a song that expressed my feelings enough for you. Atleast till today."

I stared at the iPod playlist scared to open it. What would it be called? I love him, he made a song for me and that's so sweet but what could he have possibly wrote to express his love for me.

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