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I was standing at the front doors, waiting for Jack. My heart was racing as I thought of the possibilities.

"Ready, baby girl?" Jack asked, pulling me loose from my thoughts. I nodded and I started to walk to my car, he followed behind me.

We got weird glances as we pulled open my car doors. He threw his bag into the back of my seat. "Uhm... Where are your manners?" I asked. "I guess I left them at home" he grinned at me. I rolled my eyes and took a seat. I grabbed my keys and turned the, into the ignition.

The car started and I pulled out of the schools parking lot.

After lots of roads, we pulled into my driveway. I got out of the car, grabbing my keys and bag. Jack followed behind me to the door. I unlocked the door and let Jack it before me.

I closed the door after me but was imminently slammed against it by Jack.

"Today, baby girl, we're going to be practicing kissing." He smirked.

We were chest to chest and he pressed himself as physically close as possible, arousing me as his hips grinded into mine.

His lips connected with mine and I instantly kissed back. This feeling was like no other.

He smiled softly against my lips, his brown eyes staring into my eyes. "Tell me what you want me to do." He whispers, almost too quiet to hear. I shivered as I felt the heat of his lean body against mine.

. "Kiss me." I said breathlessly. At the words of permission his lips pressed firmly against mine, his tongue flicking against my lips. I gasp softly and he takes the moment to kiss me deeper.

His tongue slipped into my mouth. His tongue roamed my mouth and I pressed my lips harshly against his. This feeling is something I'm going crave for a long time.

He pulled away and I brought my hand up to my lips. They were plump, bigger than usual.

"That was-" I started, "fucking amazing" he finished for me. I nodded.

I looked at him, his brown eyes memorizing and staring deeply into me.

"Stay the night" I breathlessly said. "I was already planning on it baby girl." He smirked, grabbing my butt and squeezing it. I gasped and he chuckled, connecting his lips with mine again.

This is a feeling a could get used to.

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