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"Don't fret. You're getting better," Tom assured her after sending her flying in the air for what felt like the hundredth time. Luckily enough, she landed on something soft each time. "I'm going to send another spell your way. Disarm me. You ready?"

"What do you think I've been trying to do?" Abigail panted as she stood from the cushion she'd landed on, staggering from exhaustion. She raised her wand, nodding to signify she was ready.

But Abigail barely got a word out before Tom did.

'I really hate that word,' Abigail thought as she, yet again, flew away like a bird.

And they practised back and forth for the next hour. More of Abigail flying away, and more of Tom growling in annoyance at her lack of effort.

His footsteps pounded loudly as he made his way over to her on the floor, easily hoisting her up by the back of her shirt with one arm and pulling her close to him.

"You ask me to teach you yet you can't even bother trying?" he frowned.

She frowned back at him. For the past hour all she'd wanted to do was disarm him. She had only ever disarmed him once, and that was behind his back when he was pointing his wand at Hagrid. But, now that he was up and prepared, she just couldn't do it. She couldn't even Stupefy him when he was so skilled with his Shield charm, which only meant she was Stupefying herself.

But Abigail wasn't focusing at this point. All she could really concentrate on was how close he finally was to her again, even if he was in a horrid mood and the situation was terrible. She was even struggling to look up into his eyes. The grip he had on her arm loosened.

"I am trying," she sighed. Truth be told, she was sick and tired of arguing with anybody and it felt as though, when she was arguing, all the energy was being swept out of her with a broom.

His grip softened again, and as he let go of her his fingers brushed gently over where he'd been holding onto. "All right," he said quietly. "Let's just practise your Shield Charm again. That seems to be the only thing you've got the hang of at the moment and you're in luck because it's much more useful than anything offensive, as it is used to defend as well as offend."

Abigail was immediately relieved, and exhaled quietly, allowing him to let go of her completely and walk back opposite her across the room, his wand immediately aiming up at her when he turned around. Abigail mirrored his image, awaiting any spell he had in store for her. But for the next thirty seconds nothing was happening, and she thought that perhaps he was waiting for her to let him know she was ready. She cleared her throat loudly, but Tom still seemed to be reluctant.

"Just give me a minute," he said, his eyes focusing on her yet they looked quite distant.

"Just use the Stun -"


"Protego!" she gasped, managing to block the spell.

Tom's lips lifted the same time his wand lowered. "Not bad, Benj-"


Although it wasn't what she'd wanted to happen, Tom still managed to block her spell in time - all she wanted was a bit of payback. Tom struggled to keep his surprise hidden, and when he noticed Abigail was looking quite determined, he sent the spell back her way. Back and forth they duelled, and Abigail stepped forward with each spell she sent after him, believing it was giving off a much stronger effect.

It really wasn't making much of a difference, and it only annoyed her more and more every time Tom seemed to block her spell. The way he made it look so easy - it made her feel stupid and pathetic.

She grew more aggressive with each spell she produced, walking faster and faster ahead of her. Tom still blocked them with ease, and it only angered her more. His smirk, the way he was looking at her, he was enjoying it. He mocked her, and stepped closer and closer with every spell, and she knew he could see that she was getting tired. Tom reveled in it.

Abigail started backing off as Tom drew closer, determination on his face, and she could feel her eyebrows furrowing when he got so close and dropped his wand to the floor. The sound echoed against the floor, and Tom's eyebrows furrowed too. The wall behind Abigail was the only thing that stopped her from backing off, she didn't even know why she was backing off, it just felt natural as he duelled her and began to approach.

Abigail let him get closer, lowering her wand arm completely, his green eyes pulling at her blue ones.

And then he placed his hands on her face and he kissed her.

Abigail kissed him back, also dropping her wand and wrapping her arms around him. She felt his tongue prod her mouth, and she opened it, kissing him harder. His hands left her face and slid down the sides of her body, before resting softly at her waist. Abigail felt his fingers grip a little harder, as though he wanted to feel her waist through her clothes.

She pulled back almost immediately. Not because she didn't want to kiss him; Abigail always wanted to kiss him. But because a sudden pain erupted in her stomach, causing her to groan and clutch it.

"Are you OK?" Tom asked slowly, frowning.

"Yes," she lied, swallowing the bile that had ended up in her throat. Truth was, she didn't want to worry him anymore than she knew he already was, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. What with her unintentionally becoming his Horcrux, him losing all his followers, and Bellatrix stabbing him in the back as well as him trying to protect Abigail. "I'm OK. Sorry."

"Why are you apologising?" Tom mused, huffing slightly as Abigail wandered back to retrieve her wand. "With a mouth like that, I sure wouldn't be."

She stifled a snort and turned back around, tucking away her wand. "My name is not Madam Dansin, you know? And I really believe you should stick with flirting with nurses and teachers."

Both of them knew that wasn't true.

"Why don't you ever accept compliments? You know I rarely ever give them out, so why take them for granted? It's called appreciation, Abigail. Hopefully, someday, you understand the definition."

"You can be really cute when things don't go your way, Tom," she chuckled slightly, watching Tom raise an eyebrow. "Not going to accept my compliment, either?"

"I believe that makes us even."

Abigail gave it some thought and inwardly smirked to herself as Tom walked beside her with his bag slung over his shoulder. "I don't think so. The day you become a Horcrux is the day we'll be even," she joked, giving him a light shove.

Tom gave her a look that told her she probably shouldn't ever shove him again.

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