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It was getting closer and closer to Christmas, meaning the weather was getting more cold by the second. The term ended, thankfully, so for the next few days there were no more classes. There were a couple exams that needed to be done right after Christmas though.

I was sitting at the Slytherin table with Emily and Brianna, unfortunately, because Alison and Billy weren't invited to Slughorns dinner party, they decided they didn't need to be at Hogwarts for Christmas. Chris stayed, but he was with his other friends over at the Ravenclaw table.

Tom and his creepy group stayed a few seats away, but not far enough for my liking. I wondered who else was invited to Slughorn's dinner party?

"Knight to B6," Brianna said loud and clear. I mentally face palmed. I was meant to be helping Brianna because she was absolutely terrible at chess. Emily was the queen of chess.

"Brianna, no! I specifically told you. B4! B4! Oh, now you've done it," I shrieked, dancing in my seat.

"Oops! I'm sorry, Abby. I just- I told you I am terrible at this."

Emily smirked and cackled evilly as she took away Brianna's last knight. Brianna's remaining pieces were a bishop, her king and two pawns.

"So," Emily said as she watched her bishop take Brianna's. "I hear you've been invited to Slughorn's dinner party, am I correct?"


"I've been invited as well," Emily said happily.

"I haven't," Brianna huffed and crossed her arms. "I never am."

"How many times must I tell you, Brianna, it is never interesting there," Emily rolled her eyes. "All slughorn does is serve and talk. That's it."

Brianna seemed to be a little more happy after hearing that. She then leaned forward and whispered, "yes, but the only downside is that Tom and his gang have been invited too. Not all of them, just a couple of the lads."

Emily looked at Tom's group and raised a brow. "Well," she said loud and confidently. "I am not afraid of them."

"Emily, have you gone mad?" Brianna said in a hushed tone.

Tom's head snapped sharply at Emily, and I took in a deep breath. Emily shuddered and hid her face under the table.

"Oh my goodness, he's looking at me," I heard Emily shaking with fear under the table. I shook my head and gave Tom a 'really' look, before he cracked a smirk at me and looked away.

"Emily, no that was good. You stood up to your fear," I said and reached under the table and pulled Emily out from under it.

"Emily, honestly," Brianna scoffed. "Do you really think cowering under a table is going to keep that Riddle away?"

I gave Brianna a blank stare but she just shrugged and looked back to Emily who was slowly coming out from under the table.

"It helps, OK?" Emily glared at Brianna. Brianna shrugged again.

"Are you afraid of Tom Riddle, Abby?" Brianna asked in a casual tone. I could also hear fear in her voice, too. "I mean... he was always nice to me. But I just get that feeling, you know? Like I'd better not cross him."

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