Tom couldn't help himself

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Tom couldn't help himself. He was confused. He had locked himself well way from the other students in the room of requirement, a room no one but himself knew about, and he stared down at the object he would spilt part of his soul into. The only problem was, he didn't know if he wanted to do it. Why was so he unsure? Only weeks ago he was determined to begin his soul splitting and now he was hesitating.

Would he really die if he did this? In fifty three years would he really be destroyed? Death was ones weakness to Tom, and it was something he wanted to avoid at all costs. So why was he hesitating?

"You'll die if you do this," her voice whispered in his ear. Startled, Tom looked away from his diary and looked around, but he was alone. It was all in his head. Tom growled at himself for allowing Abigail's words get to him. "Tom, you don't have to do it."

"Get out of my head," Tom uttered angrily under his breath.

He shut his eyes tight and forced them open again. He looked down at his diary, the very object he was going to be using as a horcrux. His first horcrux. He had killed before- so it would work. But he was still hesitating. He was launching into every thought that produced in his mind, unable to break free of them.

"I know that you want everybody to believe that they have to stay clear of you because you're some evil student or something..."

"That's just the thing," Tom's voice echoed, "I am just some evil student."

"...but I know there is good in you."


"It's in there somewhere, I know it is."

Fed up with her voice filling his thoughts, Tom yelled loudly in anger and threw his diary across the room. Tom hated himself for allowing that foolish Ravenclaw to get to him. He had indeed pondered whether or not she should be his next victim but he couldn't do it. He didn't think he'd able to live without her annoying presence, her idiotic questions and her naïve doings. Although Tom would never admit it, he secretly admired that she wasn't scared of him. Some of his 'friends' were afraid of him and they had known him years. Abigail had only known him for a few months. The only thing that bothered him was that she was exactly like Professor Dumbledore. Curious. She could see through him, she never left him alone, and she was, for some reason, always wherever he was. The only difference between Abigail and Professor Dumbledore: Tom wouldn't hesitate to kill him.

Even if Tom hadn't become fond of Abigail's presence, if he had killed off just one more Hogwarts student, the school would most likely close and he'd be sent back to that filthy muggle orphanage.

But that wasn't the thing that had gotten to him.

It was his hesitation.

This was what he wanted. Immortality. He was afraid of her words. He knew she was a seer but what if she was wrong? It was possible the future could change, so maybe he'd live. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't want to risk it.

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