What could go wrong?

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When I was thirteen, my life was amazing. I had the new football quarterback, Arron Winston, as my boyfriend. My best friend was a cheerleader, like me. She was perfect, she was nice and kind to everyone. At  least, when I was there. I was happy. My mom told me that I reminded her of a motto. Live, love, and laugh. I guess that was true. But this isn't about my past. Well a little. Its about how my downfall happened and how I turned it around.


I was walking to Arron's house. I wanted my friend Lindsey Fluck to come but she was busy at the mall with Olivia.

(Twenty minutes earlier)

"Hey its Josie!"

Lindsey sighed. "Josephina. You have a beautiful name and you waste it."

I laughed. "It sounds like Josephine March."

Lindsey giggled. "Yeah but it sounds amazing."

"Totally. Yeah right." I snorted. "Anyway, I have something to tell you before I tell Arron. Come to my house?"

"I can't. Olivia wants me to go to the mall with her."

"Okay. Well Arron isn't answering his cell so whatever. Call me later."

Lindsey replied,"Sure thing, Josephina."


I walked in to heard noises upstairs. I giggled, quietly. Probably Evan and his new tramp, I thought. I'm sure glad Arron isn't like that. I tiptoed upstairs and walked into Arron's room. I screamed. Lindesy and Arron broke apart from their heated make out  session. Arron had a smug look on his face and Lindsey was smirking.

"What are you doing here baby," he asked me.

I tried not to cry. "I was coming here to tell you that I'm moving to Chester ville. And that we can have a two hour relationship. But now I see that you don't need it."

Lindsey looked down. I turned to her. "Why?"

She looked up, eyes blazing. "I wanted Arron! Okay! He loves me not you. He told me that! He pitied you. You were a stupid girl for believing you had a chance with him!"

I yelled, "You got what you wanted! Your a tramp! A whore! And he's a sick werido. I'm out of here!"

Tears fell like a waterfall down my face. Arron called after me. I ran all the way to my house.  It hurt. So bad. I wanted to cry louder and scream at them.


Ever since that day, I said screw it to everything. I started to hang out with druggies and tramps. The wrong people. My grades started falling instead of a A and B's I got Cs or D's. When my mom told me we were moving back to that town, I decided to turn my life around. I changed my outfits and I started a plan. First, to get a boyfriend. Two, make head cheerleader. And three, to destroy Lindsey and Arron.  I'm getting my life back on track.  Josephina Grace Berlin is going to make their lives a living hell. And have fun doing it.

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