Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Nicole's point of view: The first thing I did when I woke up was check my phone. Three new messages I saw. One from my mom, Sutton and Scotty. "Hmm" I say as I open my mom’s message. Msg from Mom; Hey Hun how’s NC? Miss you lots! Love you! Msg to Mom: I’ve been good, had my first set of classes last week and I survived. My roommates awesome! Nice to have someone I can blast country music with(: Mainly I’ve just been hanging out with friends. Love u and miss u-Nicole

 I quickly text back Scotty and Sutton as I head downstairs and chill for a while. "So Scotty is picking us up at 6pm." I tell Libby. I must have zoned out on the couch because the next thing I know I hear Libby. "Why are you so quiet?" "You ok?" Libby says. "Ya I’m fine just thinking." I lie "I'm gonna go get ready." I tell Libby as I head upstairs. I decide to hop in the shower and when I got out I was feeling quite lazy so I just put my hair in a messy bun.

When I go downstairs all ready to go a little later I see Scotty waiting. "Yall ready to go?" He says. "Yup let’s go." We say as we hop in the car. When we get to the theater were greeted by a few of his friends. "Nicole this is Gabi, she’s the only one you haven’t officially met yet." Scotty says. "Hi nice to meet you, I’m Nicole." I say.

 "Oh so you’re the mystery girl McCreery over hear can’t stop talking about!" Gabi says. "I guess so." I say eyeing a very red faced Scotty. "So what are we seeing?" I ask Scotty. "Taken 2." He says giving me his million dollar smile. "Is that a scary movie?" I ask slightly worried. "Ya why?" Scotty says. "I’ve never really seen any scary movies." I say looking at the floor."You will be fine." He says giving me a reassuring smile as we take our seats.

I sat in the middle, Scotty on one side Gabi on the other. At one point in the movie something jumped out at us and I screamed along with the rest of the theater. I quickly hid my face behind my hands and watched through my fingers. I see out of the corner of my eye Scotty laughing. "And what are you laughing at McCreery." I whisper. "You." he says mocking the way I was watching the movie from behind my hands.

 "So that's how it is?" I say. "Gabi can we switch seats?" I ask. "Sure." she says as we switch. I look over at Scotty and stick my tongue out at him. He just laughs. When the movie ends everyone goes their separate ways. "Hey Nicole, I’m gonna run to the restroom." Scotty says. "Ok ill meet you at your car." I say as I walk out. As I lean against his car I can’t help but think about the past couple of months. I left everything and moved across the country. And I met some great friends and a great... but my thoughts are quickly interrupted by a loud RAWWWRRR!!!! "AHHHHHHHH!!!!" I scream jumping like three feet back. When I look up I see Scotty doubled over laughing.

 "THAT'S SO NOT FUNNY!" I yell "You almost gave me a heart attack!" I say getting into the car. "The whole point was to scare you and it worked." Scotty said laughing again. 'Well you’re on!!" "I WILL get you back McCreery and you won’t see it coming." I say. I find myself staring out the window thinking again but this time feeling my eyes start to fill with tears. "You ok?" I hear Scotty ask. "Ya I’m fine I say" wiping a few tears before giving him to most convincing smile I can muster up. "Did I do something wrong?" Scotty asks with concern. "No trust me you didn’t." "Just have alot on my mind." I say. “You wanna talk about it?" Scotty says as we pull up to my house. "Not really but thanks." I say getting out of the car with Scotty right behind me.

 Scotty's point of view: "I really had a great time tonight Nicole." I say smiling. "So did me!' "I really did Scotty." Nicole says as our eyes meet. The urge to leans down and kiss her was insane but I fought it for fear I would scare her away. "I better let you go in." I say giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight Brooks." I say "ill text you." I say before she’s closes the door.

 Nicole's point of view: As I walk in the door and see Libby. "Did you have a good time?" she asks as the tears start to pour down my face. Ignoring her question I walk up the stairs and shut my door. I check my phone and see a text from Scotty. Msg from Scotty: I really had a great time tonight! Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow? I quickly shut off my phone after reading the text and roll over and start to cry again.

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