Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

 Nicole's point of view: "Hey Nicole I'm going to my friend’s dorm for a bit." Libby tells me. "Wow" I say flopping on my bed thinking about the day’s events. I decided to call my best friend since Preschool. It's 11pm here so that means 8pm there so she should be up. I think as the phone rings. "Hello?" I hear a familiar voice say. "Hey Sutton! It’s Nicole!!" I say

"OMG how's NC?" She says "It's great so far, my roommates awesome, we just came back from eating at her friend’s parent’s house." I say "Was her friend cool?" She says. "Umm about that." I say “NICOLE ELIZABETH BROOKS Did u meet a boy?" She says "why do u say that?" I say "I’ve known you since Pre-K; your tone says it all." She says laughing.

 "Well let me tell you the whole story then." I say as I launch into it. "Wait, wait, wait, lemme get this straight! Your roommate Libby didn’t tell you that you would be eating dinner at his house?" she says shocked. "Nope!" I say. "She’s gonna get an earful about how I hate surprises when she gets back." I say going through my contacts to text my friend Will. "OH MY GOD!" I say "WHAT!!" She says. "Ya know how I told you that I left my phone at his place and he ran out to give it back to me?" I say "Yaaa." she says as I hear her walking down stairs. "Well I was going through my contacts to text my friend and I found his name in my phone and I didn't put it there." I say. All of a sudden I a thud and a bang and an OW.

 "You ok Sut?" I say. "Ya I was paying more attention to what you were saying then to wear I was going and I just fell over the coffee table." She says. I couldn’t help but laugh. "But shut the Front door! He put his number in ur phone after u left it?" "That’s like the oldest trick in the book." she practically screams. "Yes, should I text him?" I ask "Nooo dumby u should completely ignore him." She says sarcastically. "Ok ok ill text him." "I’ll call u later or tomorrow or whenever." I say. "Ok but you better tell me every friggen detail!" she says. "OK ok bye!" I say. Then hangout and open a new text.

 Scotty's point of view: I lay on my bed thinking about today, and I couldn’t help but wonder what Nicole was up to. As I layed there thinking my phone buzzed. MESSAGE FROM UNKNOWN it said. I open the message and can’t help the huge grin that spreads across my face. MSG: Smooth McCreery smooth! Do u put ur # in every girl’s phone that accidentally leaves it behind? (; -Nicole I quickly text back. MSG: Nope just ur phone (: and I c u adopted Libby's way of calling me by my last name! wish I knew yours:( -Scotty

 I head down stairs to watch the Cardinals game with my sister. "Ok Scotty, that grin hasn’t left your face since Nicole left." Ashley says. "You like her, I could tell by the way you kept staring at her." she says. Suddenly my phone goes off. MSG: Well that's for me to know and you to find out :p- Nicole. I look up and see Ashley giving me a questioning look. "There's something about her I can’t get out of my head, I wish I could get to know her better without being creepy because I just met her." I say to Ashley. "Well invite her to dinner sometime." Ashley says. "Ash you’re a genius!" I say kissing the top of her head as I run up the stairs. I immediately text Nicole back. MSG: Hey my family and I never really got to talk to you much because there were so many people here, would you like to come over here for dinner next Monday?

Seconds later my phone buzzed MSG: I'd love to :D -Nicole I text her back. MSG: Ok be here at 5:30pm (: MSG: KK see you then! Nite McCreery -Nicole. As I lay on my bed reading her reply I start to think about how I’m going to plan everything but quickly sleep over came me.

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