Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Nicole's point of view: As I go to hang the bulletin board I’m thinking about how I’m going to answer Libby’s question without sounding super crazy. I finally find my voice and say "Well I guess you can say that!" "I did go see him in concert." I said "He's very talented" I said "why don’t you finish unpacking" she says as she pulls out her iphone. "Umm ok" I say. I wonder why she's asking me all these questions, it almost seems like she's trying to hide something, but maybe she's just being friendly I thought.

Libby's point of view: As I leave Nicole to unpack I pulled out my Iphone and started sending a text to Scotty. To Scotty: Hey Scotty, I'm still coming to dinner at your parents with my brother and his friends but is it ok if I bring along my new roommate? She’s new to NC. Text me back when you get this message(: While I was waiting for a reply, I was looking around Nicole's side of the dorm and I noticed she had alot of pictures and bible verses on her bulletin board. As I’m looking around I hear my cellphone ping! "Oh I bet that’s Scotty" I said sure enough it was. To Libby: Sure bring her over! Mamma's cools with it, see y'all at 5:30 sharp(: I quickly text back. To Scotty: Don' worry I'm never late! And thanks, see you soon(: oh BTW I didn't tell her your Scotty McCreery(; immediately my phone pings again. It's Scotty. To Libby: Well hopefully your Schinanagains don't cause her a heart attack lol. haha hope not I think.

 Nicole's point of view: I noticed right away when Libby came back in the room she had a mischievous grin on her face. "Ok I know I don’t know you well but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out your up to no good!" "What's up?" I say "Ohh nothing, I was just talking to a friend." she said "My brother and some of his friends and I are going to our friends parents place for dinner, and your welcome to come if you want." She said

 "Oh ok, sounds like fun, let me just put some shoes on and we can leave." I say as we start driving I began to get a bit nervous and I guess Libby could tell. "Chill out girl, were just going to my friend’s parents, there all cool!" "You will have fun, I promise." she says with a sly smile as we pull up to a house. Right away I notice a brown truck that looks familiar but I don’t know why. Come on Nic I thought, Stop freaking yourself out I thought as Libby rang the door bell.

 A girl who looks about our age just a bit older answers the door. "Hi Libby, nice to see you again!" she says giving her a hug. "And who's this?" she asks gesturing towards me, "Hi I'm Nicole, Libby’s new roommate." I say "Nice to meet you, I'm Ashley!" "Doesn’t sound like you’re from around her." Ashley says. "Nope, I’m from California." I say walking into the house after her. "My brother and Libby's friends are in the other room." Ashley says pointing down the hall. "My brother should be home any minute.

 “Ashley says as I look around I see some photos and think wow such a nice house! Just then I heard a deep voice say "Mooom!! I’m home, were are you?" "Are they guys here yet?" It says. "Oh that must be Scotty now!" Ashley says. Wait a minute I think! His name, the familiar deep voice and southern drawl, the picture and that... that tru.... Before I can even finish putting my thoughts together I'm met with a pair of bright blue eyes that could melt a heart! OH MY GOSH I think! I'm in Scotty McCreery's house. And this guy in front of me is Scotty! OHHHH Lordy I thought. 

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