Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

 (Next Day)

Nicole’s point of view: “These past two weeks have been amazing, why do you have to leave this evening?” I whine while watching Sutton pack. “They definitely have been a great two weeks, I’m sad to leave, but it won’t be the last time we see each other.” Sutton says zipping up her suitcase then giving me a hug. “Hey let’s go to Bo’s before you leave.” I say grabbing my keys. “I’ll definitely miss that place, but I miss In-n-Out.” Sutton says as we head out the door. “Don’t remind me, I miss In-n-Out so badly.” I say driving over to Bojangles. “We can still have our crazy skype conversations; it will be like I never left.” Sutton says before digging into her four piece supreme.  

Just as I take a bite of my meal my phone goes off. Msg from Scotty: I’ll pick you up in an hour to take Sutton to the airport. Msg to Scotty: It’s cool, I can do it thank you though babe(:  Msg from Scotty: No way! Uh-uh I won’t let you! I don’t want you driving sadL I love you to much, I’d worry. Msg to Scotty: Well you are a worry wart so fine you win, we will be ready. Love you and I never get tired of saying thatJ “Since Scotty is such a worry wart he is going to take us to the airport, because he doesn’t want me driving upset.” I say to Sutton as she finishes her meal. “I could tell by the massive smile on your face that you were talking to him, but let’s go.” Sutton says getting up and throwing our trash away. “Are you going to be ok after I leave?” Sutton asks as we get in the car. “Yah, I’ll be ok, it’s not like I’ll never see you again, and besides Scotty won’t allow me to be sad.” I say heading for home.

“Ok that’s it, I’m really going to buy a new door lock.” I say walking in the door with Sutton and seeing Scotty on the couch. Sutton just laughs. “Well good evening to you too, and you wouldn’t need a new lock if you hid your house key better.” Scotty says standing. “Uh-huh.” I say rolling my eyes before gently grabbing Scotty’s face and pulling it down to mine so I can kiss him. “So y’all ready to go?” Scotty asks. “NO!!” Sutton and I both yell hugging each other. “Well we have to, Sutton can’t miss anymore School, other wise I would have her stay longer, she’s a senior this year so it’s important.” Scotty says. “I know, and I can’t believe my best friends going to be graduating from High School.’ I say in a baby voice while grabbing Sutton’s cheek before getting in the car.

Scotty’s point of view: When we got to the airport it was obvious the girls were crying. I give Nicole a kiss on the forehead before grabbing Sutton’s bag and heading in. “Well I guess this is it.” Nicole says as we reach the security checkpoint. “I guess so, don’t cry Nicole because then you will make me.” Sutton says giving Nicole a hug before turning to me. “Just promise me Scotty you won’t break her heart, I really don’t want to fly back her and take care of my heart broken best friend, I would say I’d kick your butt, but we all know that’s not possible.” Sutton says with a laugh. “I wouldn’t dream of it, I promise, have a good flight, text us when you land.” I say giving Sutton a hug. “I will Scotty, bring that weekend road trip tour to California so we can reunite.” Sutton says before hugging Nicole again. “Bye guys.” Sutton says before walking through security.

“Hey you’ll be ok.” I say wrapping one arm around Nicole and leading her out to the car. I drive to the nearest Cookout and order a large sweet tea for myself and a large Oreo shake for Nicole. “You good?” I ask while handing Nicole or shake. “Yah I’m good, I’ll see her again, and you know me to well, Oreo milkshakes are my love!” Nicole says taking a sip. “What about me?” I say raising an eyebrow at her. “Don’t worry you always number one.” Nicole says giving me a kiss “But fare warning I’m going to drown my sorrows in Full house and this shake.” Nicole says. “You got it dude.” I say pulling up to her house.

Nicole’s point of view: While Scotty settles on the couch and puts in one of the DVDs; I go over to the kitchen and put some Mac n cheese in the microwave. Its 8pm already I think as I take the food out and walk over to the couch. “Hey yah go cowboy.” I say giving him his bowl of Mac n cheese before sitting down and curling up against Scotty with my milkshake. A few episodes later I feel my eyelids starting to get heavy. I’m vaguely aware of Scotty carrying me up the stairs and into my room.  I feel him kiss my forehead then hear him start to walk away. “Hey Scotty.” I say half opening my eyes. “Yah Nic’s.” Scotty says turning towards me. “Don’t leave, stay.” I say sliding over. “Are you sure, we have to be up early for the tour tomorrow.” Scotty says. “Yes, stay.” I say as Scotty walks over and kicks off his boots before lying next to me. “Scotty I want to thank you.” I say a little more awake. “What for?” Scotty says looking into my eyes.

“For always being there for me and picking me up when I’m sad or upset and putting up with my craziness, you seriously are the most unique and amazing person I’ve ever met.” I say. “And” I hesitate a little bit. “You’re my first boyfriend ever, and I fell hard for you when I didn’t think I would but I did, and I love you a lot.” I say laying my head on Scotty’s chest and wrapping my arms around Scotty who has another one of his grins that are so big it makes me think his face is going to fall off. “I love you too, to the moon and back.” Scotty says giving me the sweetest most perfect kisses ever. “And I’ll always be there for you.” Scotty says wrapping his arms around me and giving me another kiss before I fall into a very peaceful sleep still wrapped in Scotty’s arms.

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