Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

 Nicole’s point of view:  It’s 8am when I roll out of bed. “Oh the things I do for friends.” “It’s so early!” I say as I hop into the shower. When I get out I throw on some jeans, a t-shirt and my boots. “Libby I’m going out.” I yell as I go to get in my car and head over to Scotty’s.

 On the drive over I start thinking about possible ways I can get revenge on Scotty for scaring the beejesus out of me. When I pull up to his house I get out and knock on the door. Seconds later Mr. McCreery answers the door and two excited white balls of fur fly out the door to great me. “Hey Becky hey junior.” I say as I head in.

 “Scotty’s still asleep but you can go wake him, he’s the second door one the right.” Mr. McCreery tells me. “Ok.” I say heading up the stairs with a plan forming in my mind. “I quietly tip toe into Scotty’s room and see he is still sound asleep. I just got a great idea! I think tip toeing out of his room and downstairs to wear Ashley is sitting. “Hey Ash, can I borrow some of your make-up?” I ask. “Sure it’s in my bathroom.” Ashley says as I run back upstairs.

After I grab some lipstick, blush and eye shadow I quietly head back into Scotty’s room. Hehe thank goodness I overheard that he’s a heavy sleeper. I think as I gently apply the make-up so I don’t wake him. When I’m done he is still asleep so I quickly snap a picture and leave his room.

 As I head downstairs I open a new text. Msg to Colin, Will and Kyle: Thought you would get a kick out of this! I told Scotty I would get him back for scaring me the other day(; I attached the picture and hit send. Just as I get downstairs my phone buzzes. Msg from Colin: Oh man Nicole I love you right now! We will never let him live this down(: I laugh as I head into the kitchen.

 “I have to ask, Nicole you look like you have been up to no good, what were you up too?” Mr. McCreery asks me. “Oh well the other day Scotty snuck up on me in the parking lot and scared me half to death, so I told him I would get him back and he wouldn’t see it coming.” I said with a smirk.

 "Sounds like your friendship was meant to be.” Mrs. McCreery says with a laugh. “What exactly did you do Nicole?” Mr. McCreery asks. “Oh you’ll see, but what’s the fasted way to get him up and downstairs without actually having to wake him?” I ask. They all look at each other than me and say “Pancakes!” I can’t help but laugh. “That guy and his food, I swear they should get married.” I say as they all laugh.

 About ten minutes later we hear movement upstairs. “Momma did you make pancakes?” we hear Scotty yell as he flies down the stairs. When he gets in the kitchen the look on everyone’s face is priceless! Looking at Scotty were all trying so hard not to laugh. “Why do y’all look like you about to pass out?” Scotty says rising and eyebrow.

I lost it after that and so did everyone else. Ashley and I are laughing so hard there are tears falling down our faces. Finally Mr. McCreery speaks up. “Son, you got a little something on your face.” He says between laughs. “WHAT?” Scotty says running into the bathroom. “What the.” We hear Scotty say from the bathroom.

The moment he comes back in, i know I'm gonna get it, so i just take off running, I run through the living room and hop over the couch with Scotty hot on my heels. "Don't break anything you two." Mrs.McCreery yells as Scotty chases me up the stairs. i run into the nearest room and shut the door. He pounds on it for a second. i look around and a moment later I feel arms wrap around my waist. Dang it, they have connecting bathrooms I think as Scotty picks me up. "SCOTTY COOKE PUT ME DOWN!!" I yell as he flops down on the couch with me. "So do you have anything to say for yourself?" Scotty says looking at me. "Yah, purple eyeshadow really isnt your color.' I say as I bust out laughing. "Oh your gonna get it now." Scotty says as he starts to tickle me.

 “Stop Stop Scotty Stop!” “It tickles.” I cry out. “That’s the point.” He says obviously getting way to much enjoyment out of this. As he continues and idea pops in my head. “Scotty stop stop, Oh my gosh, did you hear that?” I ask as he stops tickling me immediately. “What?” He says. “This!” I say pushing him over and tickling him! “STOOOOP Nicole!” He laughs while kicking his feet.

 A minute later I stop and just flop on the floor next to him. We look at each other and both start cracking up. Then Scotty gets a serious expression on his face and he launches into a ramble about how it’s not nice to take advantage of someone while there sleeping.

Come on Nicole he’s rambling now’s your chance! Just tell him. I think. “Scotty I really like you, and I’m so lucky I found a guy like you” I find myself saying as he continues to ramble oblivious to what I just said.

 Scotty’s point of view: “what what did you just say?” I ask Nicole as a huge grin breaks out on my face. “I I said I really like you.” She whispers. “I really wanted to tell you but I didn’t know if you felt the same way, but then I was talking with Libby and she convinced me to tell you.”

 “You seem to be the only person who really understands me and is willing to put up with my craziness, then when all the stuff with my..” I cut off her ramble and leaned forward to kiss her. “I do too.” “And I wanted to do that since the day you came over for dinner a second time.”

 I say after I pull back. “The day I met you there was something about you I couldn’t get out of my head, I mean look at you, your smart, funny, beautiful, bubbly and have a crazy fun personality.” I say looking at her and noticing the tears in her eyes. “No one has ever said that to me before.” Nicole says as she sits up.

 “So does this mean I’m forgiven?” she asks giving me puppy dog eyes. “I guess.” I say laughing as I hug her as we head downstairs. “You have to admit that was the best prank!” she says as I roll my eyes. “

Oh and you look cute in make-up.” She says giving me a wink and showing me the picture she took.

 “Oh so you think I’m cute now?” I say giving her a goofy grin. “Yup.” “Oh by the way I sent that picture to your roommates as an extra bonus.” She says laughing. “Oh it’s on now Brooks, you will pay for this.” I say stealing a quick kiss before going to the kitchen to eat our now cold pancakes.

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