Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

 (Later that same night)

 Nicole’s point of view: “I’m home.” I say flopping on the couch next to Libby, grabbing my computer. “I can see that.” Libby laughs. I decide to do a little throw back Thursday on Twitter so I open my Twitter app and attach a photo. @NicoleElizabeth94: #TBT @ScottyMcCreery concert with my best friend @SuttonRose95 who I miss so much! I tweet as I open another new tweet.

 @NicoleElizabeth94:  #TBT Pre-School with @SuttonRose95 can we go back to those days when we were so care free?(: I tweet then shut my computer. “So that smile hasn’t left your face since you got back.” “What are you so smiley about?” Libby asks.

 “Oh nothing.” I say nonchalantly. “LIAR!” Libby says laughing. “Ok fine, go check your phone I just sent you a picture.” I tell her as she grabs her phone. “Oh my gosh, remind me not to mess with you.” “Best prank ever!” Libby says high fiving me.

 Just then my phone goes off. Four twitter notifications. @SuttonRose95 retweeted you and @ScottyMcCreery retweeted and followed you. I read then opened a text. Msg to Scotty:  You really do creep more then you tweet(; and I should be getting an ear full from my best friend on that tweet you Retweeted lol.

 A minute later I get another twitter notification. @ScottyMcCreery: #TBT Great time with old friends and a new one @NicoleElizabeth94. Attached was the photo we took at the movies with everyone. I retweeted it and was about to close out of twitter when I got another notification.

 @_WillNorris: Amazing prank pulled on @ScottyMcCreery by @NicoleElizabeth94 (: attached to the message was the photo I sent Scotty’s roommates. “Oh I’m in for it now.” I saw showing Libby as we head upstairs laughing.

Msg to Scotty: G’Nite McCreery dream sweet dreams! Oh and that retweet gave me like 3 thousand more followers and I hope you don’t have any nightmares about make-up tonight(; oh and check your twitter! I SWEAR IT WASN’T MY IDEA! Msg from Scotty: ooh man my fans are never going to let me forget this one. I have 2 words for you… YOUR ON!! G’Nite Brooks. I read his message and turned my phone off for the night.

 (Next Morning)

 I woke up and looked at my clock and it said it was noon. “I never sleep this late!” I say hoping out of bed and seeing a note on my door. From Libby- I’m going to be out late with friends. Have fun! Don’t break anything. Love you(: I laugh and open a new text. Msg to Scotty: Libby’s gone all day which means I’m along): Lazy movie day? Lunch included!

Msg from Scotty: You had me a lunch included! Leaving soon(: I laugh and text back. Msg to Scotty:  You and your food! I swear you stomach is like a bottomless pit! Msg from Scotty: HEY I take offence to that! Jk. What can I say, I’m a growing boy. A few minutes later I hear the doorbell.

 Scotty’s point of view: “Hey you.” I say giving Nicole a kiss before walking inside and flopping on the couch. “So what do you want to watch?” I ask. Well my mom shipped my entire box set of Full house over here so I figured we could have a full house marathon.” She says handing me a plate of food. “You got it dude.” I say as she starts to laugh.

After we watched a bunch of episodes I hear Nicole’s voice. “So I switched a few of my classes around because I changed majors.” “I have English in E5 first then Geometry in D49 second.” She says. “Hey I’m both those classes.” I say as her eyes light up. “Really?” she says. “Yup!” I say as I turn on another episode.

 Nicole must have been getting tired because I felt her rest her head on my shoulder and instinctively I put my arm around her. When I look over a few minutes later I see she is sound asleep.

 Nicole’s point of view: I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I was in my bed. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a text from Scotty. Msg from Scotty: You feel asleep and looked so cute so I didn’t want to wake you, so I carried you. G’nite Brooks. Msg to Scotty: Why thank you for your generosity kind Sir! See you in class tomorrow(; Night McCreery.

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