9: The Silhouette (Mint)

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I stand still; too speechless to say anything.

On the way back to the cave, I realize that Raven saved me again. I look over at him.
He is really quiet and calm.

Coco pinches my back. "Hey are you okay? I'm alive and everything."

I sigh. "I just can't believe everything that is happening..."

Coco looks at the ground. "Yeah, I can't believe anything. But if we're going to be here, dream or not, we have to go with it."

I nod. "I guess so. I just don't want us to die here, that's all."

When we get back to the cave, Coco stops beside me. "I... I think I'm going to go for a walk."

I shrug. "Okay, but I'm gonna stay here."

"Alright," she acknowledges, "I'll try to walk off the stress." She shrinks into the darkness of the trees, and I see Luke heading there, too.

I sit down by this little pond I discovered last night, and watch the sun as it sets. I look down at my leaf pendant, and then recall the other night.

What does all this mean? Is this really a dream?
My pendant flashes a gleam.
I'm beginning to think otherwise.

I hear a sudden shuffle of feet and dirt, and turn my head to see a figure walking towards me. I can tell its Raven by the silhouette of wings and medium length hair.

"Hey," he greets.

I nod my head as a response.

He grunts as he sits down beside me, and looks at the ripples in the water.
We watch it together for a while, not saying anything.

I look away; at him. His gaze flickers over mine as well.
His eyes are almond shape, and they're brown. They glisten the reflection of the moon.

"Thanks for saving me," I begin, "Again."
Raven smiles. "Well I wasn't going to just sit there while you die, when I'm perfectly capable of saving you."
"Don't be a brag," I cut in. "Well I believe that you will be worth something here," he finishes.
I blush, although I don't know why.

All he did is say I'd be worth something. Isn't everybody worth something? Maybe I'm just being too picky about everything.

"Well," I finally reply, "I'm very thankful of that, then."

His hair flicks up here and there as the breeze flows through the strands. His face is very slender and distinguished. Actually pretty attractive.

He laughs, "I would be, too."

I smile again, and can't seem to look away from him.

"So why were you wondering around out there in the first place?" he asks.

"You would think I'm stupid."
"Try me." He counters.
I sigh, "Okay."
Raven smirks; his lips creasing to the left.

I start, "We were looking for a cat." Raven observes me. "Aren't you a cat already?"
I laugh; kind of annoyed. "Yes-well no, not at that time. You see, that was before we came here."
Raven gives a "Hmm."

I resume, "Yeah we found this cave... and we fell... and it brought us here. It's like we entered a different dimension. It really doesn't make sense."

Raven whips his hair to rearrange it. "It really doesn't," he agrees.
In a few seconds we are holding hands; laughing and talking.

"Yeah, on Earth that's how we get our food." Raven grins widely. "Stores. That's interesting."

My eyes tear up I'm laughing so hard. I realize I probably sound retarded, so I stop and wipe my eyes.

He pulls me closer to him and puts his wing around me. Surprisingly it doesn't bother me.
He sneaks a quick peck on my cheek, and then stands up.

"I like you. I'm not going to lie," he says, taking my hand to help me up.

I blush. "I might like you, too. But don't push it."

Raven smiles and looks down, his hair hanging in front of his face. He drags his foot along the ground.
"That's cool."
"Yeah." I grin.
"Maybe we can do this again tomorrow?" Raven suggests.
I flick my ears. "That'd be fun."

Raven starts to walk towards the cave.
"Well I'm going to go inside now."
I nod. "Okay, but I'm going to stay for a while."

I am now the only one outside. I taste the air; someone is coming.
I prepare my known battle moves for a fight. I quickly realize that my mint leaf pendant is beating and throbbing, and I begin to shrink.
"Not again."

As the unknown scent surrounds me, I began fluffing up.

Wait... fluffing up?!

I start padding around; batting uselessly at the thick foggy scent. I feel woozy and everything's spinning.

Am I hallucinating?

I fall pitifully onto the dirt ground. As everything turns white, I see a face... and a black figure scoots towards me, silhouetted by the faded sunset.

Not Raven's... Not Coco's... Not Luke's...

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