I'm so done...

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A/N: Hey guys. I'm so so so sorry if you thought this was a new chapter but I just had to say this. Not everyone will agree and I'm sure I might get hate for saying any of this but I've come to the point where it doesn't even matter to me anymore. You don't have to read but if you do please don't be rude if you have something to say. Thanks guys. Bye.

I honestly don't even know what to do anymore. I'm tired of this fandom and the fans in it (not everyone obviously but some of them... most of them). The 5sosfam just isn't even the 5sosfam anymore it's just a bunch of 5sos fans.

I can't say anything about 5sos without getting jumped on about it or being called a fake fan and being cussed out.

For example, there's a video about Luke and Arzaylea and I commented under someone's comment about how it's not their business who he dates and how slut shaming Arzaylea and calling her out of her name is just uncalled for and they didn't even care. They had literally criticized everyone single person that said the exact same thing and I agreed with the people saying it was wrong because it is. Like that's not even an opinion anymore it's just being rude. That's nothing like the 5sosfam that I knew before.

The fam that I knew before would never do shit like that or be that disrespectful to a person no matter who it is.

Not only that, but the bigger the fam gets the more people there are that are so hypocritical and rude and I'm just done.

The only reason I'm even sticking around is because of 5sos themselves because there is literally no such thing as the 5sosfam anymore. I don't know what happened, but I just can't.

I don't care if anyone here wants to jump on me for this either because I've come to the point where I just don't care anymore.

The 5sosfam used to make me so happy, but it's not like that anymore. Most of the fans are the ones causing me to feel down and feel bad.

The same thing happened when I liked one direction. Directioners literally ran me away because  of how unreasonable they were being. I'm still kind of a fan but I barely have anything to do with them now. When I joined this fam I didn't expect the same thing to happen, but it's already started.

First all of this Luke and Arzaylea drama, then Calum being down and sad and the tweet about living an average life. I feel like this is all just causing the fam to fall apart even more and I'm just done.

I know it's not everyone in the fam but there are some people that just... I don't even know.

Kpop and kpop fans make me happier than 5sos and their fans do now. Actually no. 5sos still makes me extremely happy. Every time I hear from 5sos I get so happy and excited. But then I do something online and something a fan said just gets me down.

After a while I might just listen to 5sos and leave because I'm done. I can talk to kpop fans easier and I can be real with them. I can't do that here anymore.

I'm so sorry if this offended anyone honestly, but I just had to let this out.

I'm so thankful for all of the amazing people I've met in this fam, but I just can't anymore.

I'm still a hardcore 5sos fan and still a member of the 5sosfam (if there's even anyone there anymore) but other than that I'm just done.

Thanks for reading and listening to my personal problems and opinion if you did. And I'm sorry if you thought this was a chapter but I'm working on it.

Bye guys.

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