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After finding out Ashton had never played Fifa, Calum freaked out and then showed him the rules of the game.

Now four matches later, Ashton had successfully beaten Calum three to one, and Calum was regretting inviting him to play.

The raven haired boy stared at the screen bewildered as Ashton had just beaten him a fourth time. Ashton smiled to himself proudly.

"How the hell did this happen?" Calum whispered to himself in real confusion. He had just taught Ashton how to play and he had already won more times than Luke or Mikey ever have in a day.

Ashton giggled. "I like this game," he said, smiling innocently.

Calum rolled his eyes and smiled at him fondly. "Of course you do because you keep beating me," he said and pulled Ashton into his lap anyway.

Ashton sighed happily and relaxed in Calum's strong arms. Calum kissed the curly haired boy's neck and wrapped his arms even tighter around his skinny waist. Ashton giggled and kissed Calum's cheek unexpectedly.

Calum blushed and smiled brightly at him. He was about to lean in and do the same until his best friends walked in the room.

Well... Luke limped and Michael walked. Now they knew why Michael said not to follow them.

"Did you get laid Mikey?" Calum asked teasingly.

"Hell yeah I did," Michael said, smirking as Luke blushed and hid his face in his hands.

"Anyway, the reason we came down is because your dad said we all might need to head to bed. It's already 9:30 and Ashton might be tired," Luke explained.

"I didn't even realize it was that late," Calum said in shock and checked his phone.

"We don't have to go to bed if you guys don't want to. I'll be fine," Ashton said, covering his mouth as he let out a yawn.

"Nope you're tired, Ashy. Let's go to bed," Calum said, picking up the small boy bridal style.

Ashton gasped. "Please put me down. I'm heavy. You might drop me," he whispered.

"Ashton, love, I promise you're not too heavy and I won't drop you. Please don't think about yourself that way," Calum begged.

Ashton sighed and nodded, resting his head on Calum's shoulder.

"You're okay with sleeping with me right?" Calum then asked and began walking to his bedroom.

Ashton nodded, his eyes closed and his breathing evening out some. Calum knew he was tired.

"Wait love, don't go to sleep yet. You have to change clothes first," Calum said, making it to the room and sitting Ashton on the bed, his feet dangling even while he was sitting on the edge. Calum thought Ashton was a cute kind of short.

"I'll get you pajamas okay? What do you usually sleep in? I hope you don't mind but I only sleep in my boxers," Calum told him.

Ashton blushed. "A t-shirt and boxers," he said quietly.

Calum nodded and walked over to the drawers that they had put Ashton's clothes in, not noticing this one was actually filled with his own clothes, and pulled out a misfits t-shirt and clean underwear.

"Here you go. You can change in here or in the bathroom. I'll turn around if you want me to," he said.

"Turn around please," Ashton whispered. Calum did as told.

He waited for Ashton to tell him it was okay to turn back around and uncover his eyes.

"Um Calum, I don't think this is mine," he said.

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