Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

"Pop!" was the sound from the bottle of sparkling cider that Frank opened over the Reagan family dinner table. "Okay...Jamie do you want to do the honors?" he asked looking at his youngest son.

"I think you can take this one dad," Jamie replied putting his arm around Eddie.

"To Eddie," Frank said raising his glass. "Who has completed an entire course of radiation, half a round of chemotherapy, and who is kicking cancer in the bottom." Frank kept his language clean for his little grandkids that were not so sure what all the celebration was about.

"Hear, hear," Jamie smiled toasting his wife and clinking glasses with Danny, Linda, and the rest of the family.

Eddie spoke up, "I'd like to make a toast, to my wonderful family, especially my magnificent husband, if I didn't know what true love was before I do now." She leaned up and kissed Jamie's lips.

They were leaving for three days away after family dinner. Jamie booked a room at the Plaza; they would indulge in room service, hot Jacuzzi baths, and time to themselves. After the last few weeks they deserved it.

Two days after Lila came down with the flu, Joey came down with it. Frank returned to a house of sick and sniffly kids. Spencer had stayed on to help after Jamie got sick too.

Three Week Earlier

Jamie heard the alarm and reached over to shut it off. The sounds were like a knife piercing through his skull. He moaned at the sudden discomfort, and then was assaulted by a sharp wave of pain through his entire body. "Eddie..." He turned over and looked at the empty space in the bed. He heard her in the bathroom. She was nearing the end of a chemo cycle so she felt well, but would soon face another treatment and all that came with it.

When Eddie appeared she took one took, turned around and came back with a thermometer. She scanned his forehead and frowned, "Call Gordo and the Captain, you have a 101.6 degree fever. You are not going anyplace today."

Eddie began to prepare cool compresses for Jamie, and then went to heat a kettle to make tea for her three sick family members. "Jamie has it now," she told Frank and Spencer who were drinking their morning coffee. "He's got it pretty bad, his fever is almost 102."

Frank frowned, "I better take care of him Eddie. You need to take care of yourself. If he caught it you are bound to catch it next, and it will hit you harder." Frank didn't tell her that Mary had not actually died of her invading cancer, but of pneumonia she contracted after a bad cold.

"No, I want to do it. He's done nothing but care for me for months, now he needs me. I have to show him I can be there."

Famous last words...

One week later

Jamie recovered quickly from his flu, and before he knew it the kids were up and running at full speed. Eddie went to her chemo the same Monday he went back to work. Frank took her to treatment and brought her home. She was so weak by the time he got her to the house that he had to carry her inside. Each treatment meant the side effects were stronger and came on that much faster.

"You want to go to bed?" Frank asked. "Or the couch?"

"Bed," Eddie whispered. "Call Jamie...I need Jamie." She never asked this.

"I can't honey," Frank soothed. "He's working and he just got back on the job from being sick. He'll be home in a few hours."

Eddie sighed; she was in agony and just wanted her husband. Frank helped her undress and get as comfortable as he possibly could. He had done this before and knew some tricks even Jamie didn't know. "Try to sleep, I have the garbage can here and I'm a shout away if you need. By the time you get up, Jamie will be home and he can lie with you until you feel a little better."

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