Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Joey, come on! Put on your tie and let's go. It's time to leave for church," Jamie called as he tied his own tie. "Don't make me ask you again, it's getting late."

"I can't do it," Joey said. "It's not straight." Joey came into his parent's room with his tie on lopsided.

Jamie stood behind his son, "Remember how I showed you?" Slowly Jamie did the motions to tie Joey's tie. "There you are...let's go get Mom and Lila, we are going to be late."

Five minutes later, the family got into the car. Eddie had Lila dressed in a little blue and white dress with a bow in her hair. "Now, Lila, where does your dress stay when we are in church and at grandpa's house?"

"On and down," she replied. "I will Mommy."

Eddie smiled and got into the car with Jamie. He reached across the center console to hold her hand. 'Remember your promise?" he asked softly as they drove towards the Verrazano Bridge.

"Yes, and I'll keep it but it isn't necessary. It feels better today and I think the swelling went down. Stop worrying about me, Jamie. Please."

He kissed her hand and concentrated on driving. They just made it inside in time for the processional. Frank had saved them seats. Lila ran right to her grandpa who promptly picked her up. "My littlest grandbaby, so cute," he whispered to her and she giggled.

Eddie had a hard time concentrating on the service. She was tired, having not slept well the night before even with Jamie helping with the children. She only attended church regularly because it was required for her to do so for Joey's communion classes. He was going to make the sacrament that coming May. She looked over at Joey, he was growing up so fast. He paid attention to the homily with interest standing and sitting just like Jamie did. He was the image of his father, her pride and joy. She looked over at Lila, too young to understand the words the priest was saying, but old enough to sit still and hold onto her grandpa's hand as they stood up and sat down on cue.

After the mass, they headed over to the house for dinner. "Jamie, did you remember to put the donut box in the car?" Eddie had picked up dessert from a favorite bakery that past Friday.

"Yes, dear," he replied teasing her. "And I dropped off the chicken. You can dress it but I will put it in the oven so you don't strain that arm."

"Jamie..." Eddie sighed but Frank heard. "Did you hurt yourself Eddie?"

"No, overdid it at a workout and Jamie is fussing over me."

"Ah," Frank replied. "Then let us help you with the heavy lifting."

Eddie rolled her eyes, "You Reagan men," she laughed but they knew she appreciated it.

Ten minutes later they were in the family home. Erin and Nikki had arrived and were prepping the chicken when Eddie and Jamie pulled up. The children went off to play in the play room Frank built for them. Soon the entire family was swirling around the house, the ladies working on the meal and the men watching the kids play while listening to the baseball game.

While they were cooking Eddie inched over to Linda, "Hey, uh, after dinner can you check out something Jamie found the other night when he rubbed in the muscle cream? I think it's just a spasm but he's freaking out about it."

"Sure," Linda replied. "Of course I will. Does it still hurt?"

"Not really just if I move wrong. You know Jamie, he's been working extra hours so he's making up for it by fussing. I just promised him I'd ask you that's all."

Linda agreed to examine Eddie after dinner while the Reagan men talked shop. "So what do you say Kid?" Danny asked Jamie. He'd just asked his younger brother to do a stint under cover as the new manager of La Rouge, a popular and upscale French eatery in midtown. It was suspected the owner's son was using the business to run an illegal gambling operation and possibly run drugs. Jamie's law degree and business savvy made him the ideal candidate for the complex and dangerous operation.

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