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Its like a fake rose.

Very pretty, but not real.

Lasts for a while, but eventually begins to form dust and cobwebs.

And eventually you throw away, cause that beautiful fake rose came from a funeral.

And you now throw it away, it has no use, no value, no porpous. Well to you anyway.

The rose loves you, cause its a rose, but between the love you shared with another, the love it gave you wasn't enough for the both of you.

So you ended of by throwing it away. It wasn't enough.

But yet when you find a real rose growing in your garden, you fall deeply in love with it and are so happy when its alive, but then when it starts to wilt and become unhappy and dying, you become depressed and unhappy. Even though the rose itself only lasts for a week. If that.

Please, just get back the fake rose and love it so much it becomes real and everlasting, like real love should?

Because that's what love is about.

Taking something and make it yours to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, and to always be tree for, even though you may go through hard patches in life. It doesn't mean you have to just throw it away.

Just cause it doesn't match the season, or the paint, or the furniture, or hell the damn cat that will smack it around here and there, and may end up dragging it off.

Give it love. Like never before. Make it feel worth something like never before?

Hold it?

Guide it?

Lay in bed at night and think about it before your mind floats away dreaming about various things? Those things we shall not mention.

But make it feel joy?

Make it bleed out, then patch it back up like you know you should because you regret hurting and cutting it deep so much it felt pain and bled?

Just understand what it's needs are.

But all understand, its just rose, nothing more nothing less but than a rose.

Don't feed it.

Don't take it out to lunch.

Just love enough for its beauty and love it for what it is.

So much that its beauty lasts for a lifetime?

All I ask is.

To treat love how it should be treated.



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