Chapter 27 : Missing

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Hanna's POV:

We were outside waiting nervously for the runners. Annabeth and Isabella were probably the most nervous because their parents were runners. Just as the maze was about to close, the runners emerged from the doors. Annabeth saw her parents and quickly ran to her parents and gave them a tight hug. I looked at the group. Wait...what happened to Isabella's parents.

"Minho, what happened to my parents?"Isabella asked Minho with a shaky voice.

" see...Thomas got caught by a griever and Teresa tried to get him they're still in the maze,"Minho said, looking down.

"Oh...okay,"Isabella said, with tears welling up her eyes.

Then she started to sob. I quickly ran over and gave her a hug.

"I'm sorry Bella. But there is a chance that they might have survived..."I comforted her.

"But the griever's job is to kill people. WHY MUST THE CREATORS BE SO MEAN?!WHY?!"she yelled, tears flowing down her cheek.

"I promise you that one day we will get back at them, okay?"I said.

"I WILL KILL THEM!"she yelled.

Just then, Zoe and Tom came running towards us.

"We heard everything. We're sorry Isabella,"Zoe said. She gave Isabella a hug.

"Maybe we can go into the maze tomorrow to see if your parents survived,"Tom suggested.

"Okay, but we get the footage first,"I said.




- taylurqueen

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