Chapter 16 : Water

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Hanna's POV:

Wow, this telepathy thing is cool, Isabella said.

I know!

After resting for 30 minutes, I told Isabella, "Come on, let's go..." She nodded her head and stood up.

We were walking through the woods when we suddenly saw a lake full of water.

"Water!"We both yelled at the same time.

I made a dash for it and started drinking, but the minute it touched my tongue,

I yelled, " Yuck!It's salty!"

"Okay...this water is undrinkable..."She said, disappointed.

"Hey, you know the idea you thought about cleaning dirty water?" She suddenly asked me.

"Yeah? Why?"

"That is not a bad idea...We could fill a big pot with the salt water, light a fire below it, place a metal sheet above it and tilt the metal sheet, so the water vapour or steam will condense on it , turn into water droplets, and slide down, then we place another pot beside it to collect the clean water.Plus, we will have some salt from the salt water to preserve food!"She said.

That is a lot to remember. And I don't understand how that works, I thought.

But the adults will, I suddenly heard in my mind.

Oh yeah you can hear my thoughts... I said back to her.

"Let's go back..."I said.

She nodded her head and walked back.

As we were walking, I realised something.

Wait...We will forget the place where the lake is...We need to stay here! I yelled out to her in her mind.

Chill, I memorised the directions while we were walking there... She replied.




- taylurqueen

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