Chapter 1: How the job is done

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Let me introduce myself. My name is Rose Phillips. I'm 15 years old. Another thing about me is that I am a child of the greek god Hades and one of his most trusted allies. When I am finished with this mission my father promised me that I will be immortal. I have been trained since I was 3 years old.

I walked into a cave at the base of mt Vesuvius with a black stygian sword glowing with black energy. I looked around the cave and saw a door at the end.

I pushed against it and it was locked. Obviously. I kicked the door so hard it fell of it's hinges and created a cloud of dust.

A figure stood looking at a drawing of Olympus' thone room.

"I might of known you'd be here Hyperion" I said darkly

"Who in the name of Kronos are you?" asked Hyperion but he never got an answer because I sliced his head off and set him on fire. My father told me doing this would send them to Tartarus which were the feilds of punishment.

I looked around to check if Hyperion had a stash which I would take straight to my father.

I found two swords, a bow with a set of arrows and 1000 drachmas in a leather pouch.

I jumped into the shadows and was sucked though darkness.

I landed on the clock tower in the middle of the underworld. I jumped over the side and landed hard onto the ground. I felt pain sear though my ankle

"Well look who's back" said someone in front of me. "Been hunting again"

"Nico back off" I said with a smile as I tossed him a sword

"Thanks" he said as we walked towards our father's palace.


"So which titan did you kill today?" asked Hades as we sat though dinner.

"Hyperion and I found two swords a bow with a set of arrows and a leather pouch full of drachmas" I said but before we heard anything else from him an alarm went off.

"Intruders you two wait here" said Hades and he ran out of the door carrying his spear.

"Typical all those titans and he tells me to stay here" I said

"Follow me" said Nico and he jumped into the shadows. Without hesitation I jumped in after him.

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