[02.] T O T H E E N D

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Odell Beckham Jr
It's been three weeks since the legendary catch. Odell has had over twenty interviews and about thirty photo shoots for various companies. With the increase of every day pressure, he feels overwhelmed. Money is now become more impacted on his life. Angela has just been out shopping with his money, never even saying goodmorning or goodnight to her fiancé.

"You seem down," his housekeeper Farrah said.

"I really am. Angela has been out all morning, and I just want to cuddle with her. You feel me?" Odell muttered.

"She is a gold-digger, muffin. And I see right thru her. Last night, I heard her talk on the phone about being the richest woman alive. And misheard her say something about you." Farrah sipped her coffee.

"Rah, don't say that about my baby. She is perfectly perfect. It's totally crazy to hear you say that." Odell eye brows cocked at his housekeeper.

"Odell. Odell. I see you as my son. And I would never tell you something that's wrong. I know you sometimes see her always over you around cameras, but behind the scenes, y'all argue." Farrah whispered.

Odell nodded his head, agreeing at her phase. It was completly correct about Angela's ways. But for some reason he didn't believe it.

"I just don't want to lose her, Farrah."

"Keep this in mind, losing someone is probably the biggest win of the game. And if it was meant to be, she will come back." Farrah smiled.

It was a silence as Odell stared at the ceiling. Farrah could understand his feelings, because she went through the same thing long ago.

"By the way, I was cleaning the room upstairs as you commanded. And I found a box of pictures. I wasn't so sure if you wanted them or not." Farrah brought the box towards Odell.

It read: memories from Lousinana

"Oh and this was under it, too." Farrah handed the picture over to him.

Disney World: 2002

He noticed a young, beautiful girl beside him. She wore Minnie Mouse ears and the exact same shirt as Odell. He had his hand behind her head doing bunny ears.

"Aw, is that your sister?" Farrah asked.

"N-N-No. This was my old friend. She moved to California when we were in highschool. I haven't heard about her since I was first drafted. My mother told me about her having a child with one of her college friends. And now she dating someone else." Odell muttered.

"I wonder what she looks like now. Probably better than Angela." Farrah giggled.

"She is probably beautiful. And her curls are glourious."

"Who is beautiful," That's when Angela walked inside the house along with her yorkie named Nito.

"Odell's bestfriend." Farrah rolled her green orbs.

"Bestfriend? Odell, is there another bitch in here?" Angela asked.

"No, babe. I was looking at an old picture, damn." Odell muttered.

Angela grabbed the picture out of his hand, ripping into numerous peices. She grabbed her shopping bags as Nito followed closely behind her.

"Yea, she crazy." Farrah laughed.



"For the holidays, I think we should go back to Lousiana." Kennedii's mother said as she pinned another ornament on the tree.

"Lousinana? I don't know, ma. I haven't been there since my junior year in highschool." Kennedii muttered.

"Come on, baby. Kalani has never been on a plane and it's going to be her first time. And you get to see Odell, and he is very handsome." Her mother cheered.

"Well, I have been honestly thinking about him lately. I was googling him last weekend. I-I'm sure he is based in riches and already forgot about his old friend." Kennedii mumbled.

Kalani—Kennedii's two year old daughter—skipped into the room as her grandmother was putting ornaments on the tree. She was a jumpy, peppy type of little girl.

"But. . . you and Kalani are indeed coming with me for the holidays. Mrs. Beckham only invited us because she hasn't seen you in a while." Her mother went on.

"Lamar is coming, right?" Kennedii asked about her boyfriend of two years.

"I-I guess his ugly self can come along. I don't know why you are still with him. You already don't know who Kalani's father is, and this man definetly isn't." Her mother giggled.

"Ma, don't disrespect Lamar. He has always been there for me thru thick and thin. No man has ever loved me like him." Kennedii snapped.

"What about Odell?" Her mother phased.

Kennedii felt her self sinking in the chair, becoming more of a fool. She still loves Odell; not in a friend way, though.

Kennedii in the MM

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