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I didn't think of it,

but I never realized that the last year was all just a dream.

and now I stand here in my room looking at my wall in utter confusion.

why has this great year all been a dream.

was it not great?

did I ever meet Hana, Margo, or rose?

did all this just fuck with my head?

because I'm fucking sure everything was real.

sure I fucked up, a lot, but I still enjoyed every second of it.

maybe I can redo all my mistakes.

maybe I never meet Margo, Rose, Hana even.

Maybe I never start YouTube, live a normal life.

that's what I'm doing, redoing all my mistakes.



I sit at my desk in final period, looking at the slowly ticking clock that taunts me.

One minute left.

The teacher stands in front of me, looking at me.

"You are still in my class, ten minutes later Mr. Power." The teacher says, snapping me out of my daydream.

I look around the classroom.

No Margo, No Rose, No Hana. No camera stood in front of me as I film a new Minecraft video.

"Sorry teach," I say as I walk out the door with my small backpack in my hands.

I run out the school doors and see Preston standing by his truck waiting for me.

"Bro where were you?" Preston asks.

"In a daydream that seemed so surreal. Let me explain." I say.


"And then the teacher was snapping me out of my daydream." I say as I finish telling Preston.

"Wow, man that's crazy," Preston says as we sit in his truck at the school parking lot.

"I know," I say as I look at him with wide eyes.

I didn't tell him about the kiss we had in my daydream.

That has to mean something, me dreaming about kissing Preston.

"You kissed me in my dream." I speak quickly.

"What?" He says.

"you kissed me, and I kissed back. Preston, I'm gay I think. I mean, me dreaming about kissing you and falling in love with many girls has to mean something. What if i'm gay?" I say, tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Then we can be gay together." Pres says.

So really short chapter but I'm really busy right now, I have family coming from out of state so i'm cleaning, organizing, and other things. But leston aye?

Heart Beat // Lachlan PowerWhere stories live. Discover now