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When I wake up I wake up with a very little headache. My stomach churns and I quickly run to the bathroom, throwing up. The thing is, I didn't have a few sips of wine. I more like had, about three glasses, which is hard on me since I don't drink so much.

I look outside from the curtains on my balcony and see the nice Australian ocean, (that our apartment lives by) and see the sun glistening over it.

I sigh and sit up, looking at the bed, that's all messed up. I look at the time and see its already six, which means I only have a hour to get ready.

I sigh and walk downstairs, not caring that I'm only in boxers and go into the kitchen. Preston stands at the counter on the phone and sighs.

I walk up and poke his sides making him jump and dropping some Advil.

"God Damnit Lachlan. Don't do that." Preston groans, bending Down to pick up the pills he dropped then going back to the phone.

"Well, are you just ditching us boys or something?" Preston says. He pulls the phone away from his ear and turns on speaker, walking over to the coffee machine. He points to it as if he's asking me if I want any. I nod my head yes and he nods his head.

"Preston, I'm not, I just need to go back to Canada, you know? See my family?" Rob says.

"I get that, and I'm not telling you that you can't, I'm just saying, you already left and lied to us about the date and stuff. You're my best friend and I'm just kinda mad. I have to get ready for school though, i'll chat with you later." Preston says then hangs up.

"Rob left?" I ask. Preston sighs and nods his head.

"Without telling any of us. And that's why I'm so mad. What if I got worried about him, because he forgot to call or something." Preston says.

"Understandable. You act like an older brother." I say, laughing.

He laughs a little and the coffee machine goes off making Jerome groan.

Preston turns it off and looks at me.

"I don't see any pants or a shirt. Just really tight boxers." Preston says to me, laughing.

I glare at him, playfully of course, and walk over to retrieve my coffee. I put in some sugar and creamer mixing it and running up stairs.

I grab a new pair of boxers and a red flannel, with some black jeans.

I walk into the bathroom and take off my boxers and turn on the shower. I walk in and start to wash my hair and body. I turn off the shower and dry off my body.

I walk towards the mirror and drop the towel, looking at my self in the mirror. I sigh and look down at my feet.

I'm so ugly. Those girl fans are lying.

I look up and grab my flannel and put it on. I throw on my new 'tight' boxers, and my jeans.

I grab my hair dryer and look in the mirror, plugging in the hair dryer in and drying my hair. I grab my razor and start to shave my 'beard'. I smile a little and walk downstairs.

I grab my socks and shoes and throw them on quickly, as Preston throws me my backpack.

"We're going out for breakfast." He says. I nod my head and we walk out to preston's car.

He has a Lamborghini, which I'm so jealous about.


He pops his trunk and we throw our bags in. We get into the car and he starts to drive.

Heart Beat // Lachlan PowerWhere stories live. Discover now