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Margo and I were sitting across from each other at the roller rink. We were drinking an Oreo milkshake, and it is amazing. Margo was telling me about living in South Africa.

"And I had this best friend, his name is Caspar Lee. He just recently turned Twenty and I also turned 18 the same day. People thought that we were only best friends because we had the same birthday, but Nah. We dated in year eleven, but we decided just to stay friends. Mutual decision, yah know? But he moved in with his friend, Alfie Dayes, and they've been hanging out a lot. He sent me pictures of his friend, Harry's flat. His flat has this amazing view of London, and it's just amazing. I guess Harry lives with two other YouTubers, Callux, and Calfreezy. They both share the same name, and I heard that people hate on Calfreezy and call him a pig... Completely rude!" She says.

The thing about Margo is that she's more connected to YouTubers than I am. So when I watch them, I feel really stupid that I never knew them. She knows YouTubers like Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Connor Franta, Zoella, Caspar Lee, and so many others.

"Oh! Caspar just texted me a picture! Look," She smiles, showing me a beautiful picture of clouds, it seems he's on a plane.

"It seems like Caspar's on a plane. But where to?" Margo says looking at me. "Mind Reader. It's probably VidCon or something," I say. "If it were to be VidCon, I would be going too." She frowns. I shake my head and sigh. We try and figure out where he is possibly going, but end up giving up. We walk back to her house and I walk through the door first, smiling hugely. She's going to be so happy.

(Preston's POV)

Ever since Rob left, I've felt sad and lonely. He hasn't even tried to call me, or anything.It's like we're not even friends anymore. Margo's mom passed away three months, which made all our hearts sting in hurt for her. Lachlan's been able to make her happy again, fix her. It's amazing how he's changed her in these past three months.

She acts so alive and happy now like her mom never died. But her mom did pass on, and it was a horrid time for her. Her brother said that he didn't know what to do when he saw his mom, and he has a million regrets because he never called 112. He didn't show up at the funeral, and now he regrets that. I feel bad for the boy to be honest. So I rung up his sister's best friend, and his idol and had asked them to visit Australia for a while, and they agreed. So now I'm driving to the airport tp pick up Caspar and Joe.

Caspar was more than happy to come and see Margo and her brother. Joe, on the other hand, has no clue who either of them are, so he was off about going. Lachlan has no idea about the plan, so I decided I'd text him when I got to the airport.


When I finally arrive to the airport, I couldn't stop smiling. There standing was Rob, looking for someone. I see Joe and Caspar coming our way, and I smile even bigger, I decide to go scare Rob and I start to crouch down and walk carefully towards him. Caspar saw me and I quickly put my finger to my lip letting him know I'm trying to scare Rob. I get right behind Rob and shake his arms as I stood up, making him scream and jump. I start dying of laughter and so does Joe and Caspar.

"Preston," Rob says and engulfs me in a huge hug. "I've missed you, Robby." I sigh hugging him tightly. He hugs me back, tightly and sighs. "I'm sorry I left without telling you. It wasn't cool. I was planning to call a taxi and surprise you, doesn't seem like that is happening anymore," He says quietly.

"I've just missed you, Rob."

(Lachlan's POV)

"Caspar," Margo whispers, as she walks in. She runs to him and hugs him, jumping into his arms. "Hi Margo," He smiles, kissing her head lightly. She starts to cry into his shoulder and he starts to rub her back. "I've missed you so much Caspar. Like I've felt so alone. That is until I met Lachlan," She mumbles into his shoulder. "I've missed you too. Oh god, it feels like I haven't seen you in years. But really it's only been what? Eleven months?" He says. "Yeah, almost a year. I'm just glad we stayed in touch, 'cause if we didn't, I honestly don't know where I'd be, She says with full honesty in her voice.

He smiles a little and pulls away, looking at him. She smiles and wipes here eyes, kissing him on the lips. His eyes widen a bit, but the closes them, and kisses her back.I look at the other guy and point to the door signaling I'm leaving. He nods his head, and I quietly open the door and close it.

I stuff my hands in my jeans and sigh, trying to shake the image out of my head. "Lachlan!" Margo shouts. I just shake my head and walk faster.

This is why I don't fall in love.


Hi! I'm so sorry I haven't updated! But i hope this makes it up.

Also sorry for POV changes every five seconds.

I also made a Twitter, it will be liked in my bio. If you can't see the link, the name is: LachlansHisName

Also, If you want to check me out on Vine my Vine Simon Trash

Bye self Promos and bye me!

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