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☤(firefly pendent from TLOU)

Lachlan had went through so many things with Margo, Preston, and Rose.

He'd only met Rose last year, when he went to America for the Flordia Minecon. She had went only to meet Lachlan, because she loved him.

She had told him that "Lachlan, you're my idol. I laugh at every video you make. I love you." and that had sparked something in his heart. He responded with "Awe I love you too, Love! That's so sweet. What's your Snap?" and she had told him her Snapchat, "rxse" and he had added her right away.

It had made her day, and his always seeing her snaps. Her hazel-green eyes, Medium length blonde hair, and her smile. She was clear perfection.

When Preston had kissed him, it screwed with him, and Lachlan instantly texted Rose when Preston ran away.

She had let him know it's okay, and that it was all going to get better, seeming as they had become friends over the past few months.

But Lachlan tried everything to get people he had something for someone, that wasn't rose. So he used Margo as an excuse. Margo felt foolish after she learned Lachlan didn't really care for her. Of course she had thought they had become the best of friends, but learned the truth, after nearly a year.

Rose had everything a girl wanted. A fabulous life, money, and beauty. She wore the top designer clothes, and always did her makeup flawless. She had always thought she had an amazing life, along with her best friend, Haley.

Rose and Haley had met only a year ago, when Rose first joined Vine. They started talking, and became good friends. Cut that- great friends. They had met at Minecon in London for the first time, and didn't want to leave each other.

Seeing as Rose and Haley looked fairly similar, people would ask if they were twins. They'd laugh and say, "Nope, Just best friends." and people would think that's pretty cool.

Rose was born in Australia, and moved to Las Angeles, California only a few months after birth. Since her parents were full Australian, she had naturally received their accent. As years went by when she was 8 years old, her family decided to move back to Australia, which was hard for Rose, considering that she grew up in America.

The move was hard, but seeing her family was nice, considering she had never met any other family members beside her own parents (whom she had lived with forever). When she was 12 years old, she moved to London, which yet again was hard for her. As she grew up, she constantly moved, but when she turned 18 she moved to Australia for good. She was sick of moving, and just wanted to stay in one place.

Thus, she now lives in Brisbane, Australia. She has a dream of becoming a world famous Photographer or Video Editor, and still thrives onto that dream.

As for Haley, she had only lived in Missouri and Australia. Rose had always been jealous of the fact that she never moved, but at least Rose can say that she has had a pretty hard life with all the moves, but still was very lucky because she had been able to travel the world in a way.

In a way, Rose has had a pretty rocking life.

Hi, I is not ded yet.

I have been really busy with moving and stuff (again) so here's a some what short chapter.

Its only a couple hundred words, but at least this chapter will make up for my not posting.

I wasn't on any social medias for more that 22 days, (which is horrid) but I am back!

Did you guys like the 3rd person point of view? I enjoyed writing it because I didn't have to do a million POV swaps. (Back and forth x3mil)

I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving, and I wish you all the best of luck loosing all the thanksgiving food fat. I already started excersizing, and am currently in my sweat suit.

As of right now I am actually back in Las Angeles, living with my best friend and her family (its only me) so I have Pacific Time I believe?

Anywhore, its 7:11 in the morning, and I should probably go play The Last Of Us before my mummy and dad wake up.

ok bye

Heart Beat // Lachlan PowerWhere stories live. Discover now