Truth Or Dare Time!! Finally.. -(RocxPrince) GLS.. PartTen<3!

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-Recap- The boys went out to the mall, Went to Macy's and of course did some funny bromance things along the way. Ray is steering clear of them all, and Prod is gonna get Roc and Prince back.. I wonder what's going to happen :O..

-End Of Recap-

Prince POV

Yeah, Roc's clearly gonna rape me. Im not sleeping in the same room with him.. We'll see ;) But anyways, We are on our way to JC Penny's. Roc said he wanted to buy something from there, and I need a new necklace so yeah. Once we walked in, There was a sign that said " 40% off on everything! " And I thought to myself, - Im gonna get everything then! - Yes.. I love to shop alotttt.

Prod : Damnit my ass still stings.

Roc : It's Prince's fault, his hands are bigger than mines.

Prince : >_> Don't try to blame his ass pains on me.

Roc smirked and stared at me for a minute. 

I was confused to what message he was sending me, Then I caught on. He had a confused look on his face. 

Prince : What?

Roc : I was wondering why I can't blame this on you... 

Prince : One, I didn't do it. Two, You're not that innocent to be believed ya'know, You raped me earlier.

Prod : Shidddd, He ain't touchin' me!

Roc started pouting. He's so motherfucking cute! I can't stay mad at him, even if it's just a joke.

Prod moved towards Roc before I did and kissed his cheek. Roc smiled and looked at Prod.

Prod : Better?

I will admit, That stung just a little bit.. But it's not like we're dating, so whatever.

Roc : Definitely..

I roll my eyes and begin to walk away. Roc grabs my arm and turns me around.

Roc : You're not off that easily. 

Roc kissing me on my cheek, I feeling lightheaded. Maaan. He just doesn't know O_O..

Roc POV 

I love how Prod and Ray aren't questioning how I've been acting, and think it's a joke.. They will never find out about Prince and I's bromance. HAH. This is perfectttt. Anyways, I drag Prince over to the jewlery section.

Prince : <_< You want me to buy you a chain?

Roc : Nooo... You said you were buying Roccy-Poo so do it.

Prince blushed and bit.. Awww he's adorable when he blushes.. Uhhh like cute puppy adorable. 

Prince : But... I was joking..

I begin to fake cry, and yell at him.

Roc : You don't love me!

Prod just watches and laughs. Ray suddenly comes and walks by us, Seeing a really nice looking chain. 

Ray : Prrrroooddddiiigggyyyyyyy come buy this chain for me. You may be a gay rapist, but you're still my bro.

Prodigy glared at him in a joking way.

Prod : I ain't buyin you shit >_>

Ray : Fine then, Im hiding all yo damn chicken -_-

Prod within two seconds up at the counter, Paying for the chain.

Ray : Yeeeaaahh bitch.

Prod : I got somethin' for you later. Imma kick yo ass, and Roc gonna help.

Our Awkward Moments... - (RocxPrince) Gay Love Story.. PartOne&lt;3!Where stories live. Discover now