You Think I Forgot?.. - (RocxPrince) GLS.. PartSix<3!

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Thanks for the Support! I love you guys! This time, Im gonna really shock you! xDDD


Prince POV

Prod had told me earlier of how he'd trick Ray into following him up. I honeslty think his plan is amazing, but Im scared if I try it on Roc, we'd.. What am I saying? Neither of us is gay. He thinks I forgot about him smacking my ass? Hell Naw. That's all I was thinking about throughout the buffet. Roc snaps his fingers in my face. 

Roc : Prince? C'mon we gotta get back to the hotel room now. Before the fans try to sneak down for a midnight snack.. We don't wanna get caught up in that. 

Prince : Right.

We both run back to our hotel room just in time. We saw 2 teenage girls in the hallway walking the opposite way, but they didn't seem to recognize us. Thank god >_>!

We were both back in our room, and I locked the door. Roc heard the lock and turned to look at me. 

Roc : Why'd you lock the door?

Prince : No reason at all. -I jokingly take off my shirt, but he doesn't know Im joking-

I am now shirtless, and staring at Roc with a smile. It almost looks like Roc is blushing, but I can't tell. 

Prince : You like what you see?

Roc : Hell no, Put on a shirt.

I walk closer to him, and I stare into his eyes, I finally get eye to eye with him, and I got directly next to his ear. 

Prince : Remember smacking my butt before we left? It's called revenge. I would feel sorry for your ass right now. 

Roc looks like he'd seen a ghost. I back away to see his face, and I smile to him.

Roc begins to back away, but trips and falls on the bed. I smirk and get on top of him. 

Roc : Pr--.. Prince you're scaring me..

Prince : That's the idea.

Roc : I won't be scared if I play along.

Prince : Hah, you do that. You're just gonna be hurting yourself..

I turn Roc over and his stomach is on the bed. He turns his head back and looks at me.

Roc : Don't spank me Daddy.. 

He said that SO seductive-like. Im starting to worry about him. No just kidding, I know he's joking, but he's getting himself into a world of trouble. My eyes widen as he'd said " Daddy " though.. 

Roc gets up on his knees and then looks at me.

Roc : Doggy-Style?

WOOOAAHHHH WHAT? DID HE JUST ASK ME TO?............. I forget he's a " good actor ". But that's a big step for even HIM.

Prince : I remember you saying you were a good actor. Nice try you flapping fag.

Roc : Fuck, I shouldn't have told you that.

Roc lays back down and gives up.

Roc : Do your worst.

Fuck, I could do worse than my worst.. But Im not gay.. Shit his ass is so fucking big. The worst I could do is eat that shit out.. Or probably fuck it. What in the fuck am I saying? My hormones obviously love fucking with me -.-

Roc : Well? You don't have the balls do you?

Roc smirks at me and I stare at him blankly.

Roc : That's what I thought afro puff.

Our Awkward Moments... - (RocxPrince) Gay Love Story.. PartOne&lt;3!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum