Revenge Backfires.. - (RocxPrince) GLS.. PartThree<3!

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I just wanna say , I appreciate your reads, I just wish you ninjas would comment! xD Here's your new part! Enjoy >:)



Princeton was sitting on Roc's lap staring into his eyes and very close to kissing him.. Was he serious or joking?.. That was some freaky crap! Princeton then played his ass and ran into the hotel that they'd just arrived at.

Princeton POV

I was joking about the lap thing but I had to get out of there.. That was getting TOO weird.. If I wouldn't have ran out of there do you think he would of kissed me?.. I mean ERR.. That would be gross. UGH I dunno! But anyways, Ray Ray finally shut the hell up about his damn taco. We are in the hotel and I got some nachos! :D Kiesha and Walter says that there are only 2 Rooms, so they need to know the pairs. I usually pair up with Prod, but Im gonna switch it up.

Prince : Im gonna switch it up this time, I wanna share with Roc for a change if It's okay with him.

Prod : O.o Oh, that's different, but alright. It will give me a chance to hide all of Ray's Tacos.


Everyone laughed after that.

Kiesha : Okay, Roc are you good with that?

Roc kinda looked nervous before answering but I guess he was cool with it.

Roc : Sure, Of course.

Walter : We have 2-3 Free days depending on the schedule, Have fun in the hotel. 

Walter and Kiesha go off to the bar located downstairs. Ray runs into his hotel room and guards his tacos, and Prod follows after him chuckling. Roc and I look at each other for a few minutes.. This is awkward again.......

Roc : Soo.. Uhhm let's go unpack?

Prince : Yeah, that'll do.

Roc and I go into our room and it's only one bed and a couch. We both look at each other like " Im getting the bed! "

I dash for the bed, but Roc grips my arm. He pulls me back and puts me in a headlock. Just noticed, He pulled me back a little hard and my ass is on his dick.. I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO TWERK. THIS DOESN'T LOOK RIGHT..

Roc : Oh sorry bro, Is my manhood touching your butt?

I blushed a bit at him saying manhood.. What am I supposed to say?.. Yes? No?.. Say SOMETHING.

Prince : Yeah, but it's only your pants. Not like there's anything in there.

I started laughing after my comment, but Roc was doing his pout face and he looked mad.

Roc : Really now? Let's just figure out if anything is there then.

Roc is getting freaky again.. What is he planning to do?..In the position we are in, Im not liking this at all. I literally.. have my ass backed up on his dick, and he's against the door, With me bending over in a headlock..

Roc is GRINDING ON MY ASS.. WHAT THE FUCK? Wait.. Do I feel something?.. Is he getting HARD?.. Fucking hormones.. I don't know if I like this or not.. RETARDED HORMONES!! I let out a small moan, I don't know if he heard or not.

Roc smirks a bit and rams his front into my butt.. Not actually IN but he humped my ass pretty hard.. I hope he doesn't think he's gonna get away with this at all.. Yeah this is kinda.. Weird but Im proving my dominance.

Roc : I thought nothing was there? You seem to be enjoying this you weird mofo.

We both laughed a bit, Though I blushed a little.

Prince : You're so gay for this bro, Get off of me you rapist!

He laughed and gripped me tighter. I managed to get out of his grip and reverse manuever him so now he's in my place. It's time to have some fun now.

Roc : W-.. Wait how did you?.. DUDE I WAS JOKING.. C'MON YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS..

Prince : You expect your dumbass to get away with GRINDING ON MY BUTT?

Roc : I dunno.. We're brothers we do WEIRD THINGGSSSS.. Just don't Do THIS.

Prince : Too bad.

I start grinding on his ass super hard, and man, when I say he got dat ass, He GOT DAT ASS. I can feel that donk jigglin on my di--.. That NEVER happened. That was not me talking.. My hormones are fucked up..  Roc didn't say anything for a few moments, All he did was try to get out but repeadedly failed.

Prince : You sir, Have just been raped through clothing.

Roc smirks and begins to whine.

Roc : Okay, you got me back, Just let me goooo.. You can get the bed.. -Muttering under his breath " sike "

Prince : Allow me to give you the last of your punishment, You gay wad. 

Roc : Nooo cmon bro you're gonna become a gay sex offender!

We both shared a laugh, and before I let his arms go completely, I reeled myself back and then forward hard as hell. Roc flew forward holding his ass. I was dying and rolling on the floor. Roc stood up pouting, and looking at me. 

Roc : I don't play to get even bro, I play to win. -Devilish sexy smile-

What in the fuck is he up to this time?.. First I get spanked.. Now humped.. I DO and DON'T like where this is going.. HELP MY HORMONES SOMEONE.. :(


Woo This Is Getting Intense! I'm Loving This >:D What do you think Roc will try to pull off next without considering it as " gay "? Reads, Comments, Votes! I love you all! :)))!!!! Please Comment :D! Let me know what you think mofos! <333 xD

Our Awkward Moments... - (RocxPrince) Gay Love Story.. PartOne&lt;3!Where stories live. Discover now