Don't Rape ME!.. - (RocxPrince) GLS.. PartFour<3!

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Thank you for all of the support! 40 Reads, 4 Votes, and 5 Comments.. This is dedicated to graysapphirelove since she was my first commenter! I hope you enjoy!!


-Recap- Princeton gave Roc payback by grinding on Roc's ass and humping the hell out of him at the end. Roc is gonna get him back in the most awkwardest suprise.. O_O

-End Of Recap-


Princeton is across the room looking at me confused, While Im staring at him with a smile. He won't expect what Im about to do next. I walk over to him, and he backs up against the door again. Awww he's adorable when he's scared. Well not adorable-.. You know what I meant. 

Princeton smirks at me, and I cock my brow to him.

Princeton : What're you gonna do this time, Give me a lap dance?

Roc : You'd like that punk, wouldn't you?

We laughed and then he got lost in thought.. He wasn't actually thinking about that right?..

I grip his shirt, but then Prodigy walks in. Can't a nigga knock? -.- Things were just about to get good.. I was about to kick his ass.. Damn you prod.

Prod : Woah.. Don't kill him Roc.

I smirk and look at Prince.

Prince rolls his eyes.

Prince : Bitch please.

We all laugh, and then Prod continues.

Prod : It's a private buffet for all of MB while the fans don't know. You have between 10PM-12MDNT To get all of the food you want. ^-^

Well atleast he brought good news, Prince and I nodded and Prod left.

Roc : Next time knock nigga!

Prod : Not a chance!

I groan while Prince laughs at me.

Roc : What're you laughin' at AfroPuff?

Prince : You acting like you were gonna make me suffer, You're nothing but all talk.

Bad move Blaxican. Im about to scar you for life. I had that creepy smile on my face.

I had his shirt gripped, and I turned him around. I placed his hands behind his own back and kept his arms back to where it pinched, and not serious pain.

Prince : OWWWWWW

Roc : You're about to get scarred for life little brother.. -I just a pedo voice and whisper it in his ear-

Prince screams like a little girl, but no one comes to help him.

I guide him to the bed, and I place his arms above his head, and his stomach is on the bed, and I am laying on top of him. I place his hands on the headboard, and I start pushing his ass up with my manhood. Grinding on him like how I would do a girl.. YES WE ARE FREAKY MOFOS OKAY? Sheesh, We're just kidding.. I guess. For now.. BLAH I DIDN'T SAY DHAT.

I hear prince do a soft moan, and I stop and he turns his head. Is he serious?

Prince : Why'd you stop babe?.. I was about to move my butt with your.. -He begins to smirk-

Roc : ................... What?.. 

He's gotta be playing.. Or has he REALLY figured out this time?.. Nahhhhh he did this same shit last time when he sat on my lap. I'll just play along :D

Roc : Oh yeah.. Im sorry.. I just wanted to make sure you know who the man is in this relationship.

Prince jerked his ass so hard on my dick he actually stood both of us up on our feet.

Prince : Don't act like you didn't like that. But you're not the guy in this babe.

I turn my head because I felt myself blushing like crazy. I continued to play along.

Roc : You can't be the guy, you're too fucking weak.

Prince looks at me like " Really now? ".

Prince gets out of my grip, and I swear it looked like his muscles got bigger. He gripped my arms and SLAMMED me into the wall. I couldn't get out of his grip. He jokingly placed his mouth near my neck. His breath was warm.. Was he getting into it? He stopped and looked at me with a smirk. He caught me blushing!! No!! FUCCCCKKKKK! 

Prince : HAHA! You're so gay bro! You wanted all of thizzzzzzzz! -Moving my hands down the side of my body, then grinning to him,

I stayed quiet for a minute, and then laughed with him. 

Roc : Bullshit, I just couldn't move!

Prince : Yeah right, you know you really wanted this!

Roc : In your dreams. Even if I was gay, you certainly wouldn't be the guy. 

I smirked as he rolled his eyes. 

Roc : Im just a really good actor, And made you think I wanted you.

Prince : Really? Prove it then Short curls.

Gladly. I switched places with him and pushed him against the wall. Placing my arms around his waist. He froze and stared into my eyes for a minute. I smiled and placed my hand smackingly on his ass. He was so confused. It's funny how I half want to do this, and half don't. I rubbed my hand into his back pocket. He was SO lost. I am loving it! -In my McDonalds Voice- I take my hand out and guide us both towards the door, My arms still wrapped around his waist and I am behind him. I open the door, and he turns to look at me. 

Roc : I told you I was a good actor dumbass. You're lucky Im hungry. See you downstairs!

I smacked his ass once more and squeezed it a little.. But he didn't notice.. GAWD HE HAS A FUCKING DONKKKKK.. I dashed to the lobby, I had to run fast because he gasped and was right behind me. Im so glad he didn't take any of this seriously.. Though I kinda did..


WOOOAAAAHHHHHHHH This is my type of story, Aye? I hope you enjoyed this, and once again, This is dedicated to graysapphirelove! Thanks for being my first commenter!!  Comment more you lil mofos! Tell me what you think about Roc smacking dat ass! Princeton has a plan of smacking Roc's back soon! Let's see what will happen >:)

Our Awkward Moments... - (RocxPrince) Gay Love Story.. PartOne&lt;3!Where stories live. Discover now